Tuesday 26 February 2019

Who will rescue this multi-million naira company?

         This multi-million naira company rotting away!

   Weeds everywhere both outside and inside the company .in fact weeds of all kinds had  taken over the manufacturing company. Some parts of  the  buildings have cracked . Some vehicles parked  outside are weather - beaten  and   now  serve as  dryers  for drying clothes and rugs. The engine rooms where  wooden boats are being manufactured have become empty while the wooden boats are just lying there as if waiting for passengers to enter. The  two  gigantic  boats are  lying there as reptiles of all kinds crawled around  the place. The whole  premises is  crying  and begging for  help.It is a big shame that  the once bubbling company to be in this state of comatose.
 This is the boatyard company in Epe, Lagos state which was  established by the late Obafemi Awolowo and Alhaji  Lateef Jakande in Lagos state had been abandoned for over 27years.

  Here is the abandoned multi million naira boatyard decaying. The Boat yard  was once a pride of Lagos state  when it  started but now opposite is the case!  
   A visit to the boatyard could make one shed tears. Inside the yard one could see  different sizes and shapes of abandoned , unfinished and rotting boats made of fiber and wood. Carcasses of vehicles that have been abandoned and  have become rustic  and irreparable in the garage, all  begging for evacuation!.

   The  environment is an eyesore ,irritating and disgusting !. The  Boatyard has no gate, no security. All the vehicles in the compound have become rustic .A Volkswagen Kombi Bus parked in the compound believed to belong to the company has  been turned to  a dunghill where dirt is deposited  and now used to dry rugs. .  Wet clothes are spread on it  to dry also.

One could see the already  finished and some near -completion boats while some boats  are under construction . A lot of  materials had been  abandoned and now  decaying. Wooden boats left outside the compound are  begging for attention .
  The fiber section of the boatyard industry have been abandoned while reptiles have turned it to their home as one could see them running around as if competing in a race .The environment is bushy , this shows that nobody comes there to cut the grass.
About three fiber – made boats under construction that could be seen rotting away .One could still see some fiber materials lying on the ground and wasting  here too.

One of  the buildings

Speaking about  the industry, Mr. Oyeyemi Ajayi described the company as a once thriving company that was very  busy and had employees of over 70per cent of local and foreign workers in Lagos .He said   ''we all remember how this Boat yard  industry was thriving then.
Mr.Samuel Abayomi Adeeko could not control his tears as he cried ''this place is enough to make someone weep.I cannot believe what I am seeing and I am sure Lagos State government is not aware of this place. How will this place that was flourishing in those days become a junkyard?. I am pained.”

   Speaking about the boatyard  Mr. Aderounmu  Agbomeji  a native  of Epe ,  and also an expert in Transportation lamented over the boatyard, he said ''this is part of Transportation business that can be generating revenue for Lagos, unfortunately it has been abandoned”. He went further to explain what could have been responsible  and said '' I believe it is the fault of some people who had  no idea about the business in the past government. And some of the reasons are our bad  attitude and corruption ''

The Oloja of Epe , Oba Kamorudeen  Animashaun decried the situation of the company that had provided jobs for the natives and non natives .The monarch said “these  giant industry provided employment not only for the indigenes but also for non indigenes , it is unfortunate seeing the company is  lying like this . I pray the Lagos government  will help us revive it.The boatyard was where they were constructing boats of all kinds like flying boat, speed boat and several other types .This is a lucrative business which had been abandoned years ago”.
Engineer  Agbomeji an expert in Transportation advise the Lagos State Government to quickly come and resuscitate the  giant company before   it is too late.
The   multi-million naira boat- making industry is heart rending , here was once a thriving  company   that  employed over  hundreds of both indigenes and non indigenes?.When will the government rescue this abandoned company?
Only time will tell.

Monday 25 February 2019


Epe Plywood 

The moribund Epe plywood factory   environment is filthy while some areas have developed heavy moulds. The compound  is “decorated” with overgrown with weeds .
At the gate one could see  the rustic iron gate of the Epe Plywood company  that speaks volumes as four  haggard looking security officers guarding  the company  are  bitter,  they confided in this reporter that they had been there working for over 24years, with their delayed their salaries  from Ibadan , the head office .
” We are being owed   some months’ salaries  and please publish our  predicament but don’t mentioned our names”, one of them pleaded.
Seeing  the multi –  million naira worth of machines wasting away could melt one’s heart and open litany of  questions on government’s management in business  activities.
Inside the premises are abandoned and rusty engines  like sawing machines, lifting machines , cutting machines, smoothing machines and many others .The  rusty and weather – beaten machines  exposed to the sun and rain would bring endless litany of complaints about the abandoned company.The company that had been producing wood for chairs , tables and doors and other furniture works cannot even produce for itself again!
Epe Plywood Industries Limited was established in 1965 and jointly owned by Odu’a Investment Company  who owned 91 . 2 per cent  and the Bank Industry has 8.8 per cent .The industry was into saw mill business  producing furniture, veneer , flush doors .It is a major wood processing company  established in 1965 for the production of plywood, flush doors, veneer and furniture. Many of Nigeria neighboring countries like Ghana, Cote D’ voire ,Gambia Sierra Leone among others  patronized the company.

'How I escaped from gorilla attack'


               ....... I am an Aviculturist
                   .....I love giving
                ....I escaped from gorilla attack
             ........ Why we use Agbegilodo 

As he approached  the  front of his office over 1,000 white pigeons   flew   towards  the sky flapping their wings and  as they touched  down their  beauty  showed .One could imagine and appreciate  the handiwork of God  on these birds, and  as they all touched down they  formed a circle around  him as if they had come to welcome their benefactor.


   In a jiffy, he  went inside , brought out a can filled with  corn and millet grains which had been kept  in a cool dry place  and threw  them to the birds, again they all flew and scattered towards the areas he spread the grains  . 
   Mukaila Obanigba looked at the  birds. He  smiled and jocularly said '' this is enough for you now''. He then went into his office to start the day's business.

   It was on a busy Monday , the beginning of  a new  week. As he sat in the office using calculator to know  how much he  made over the weekend  a woman came inside . The woman went on her knees,  in tears  she  said her son was chased away from school for not paying school  fees and needed his assistance , she added that she would not mind working for it in his sawmill. Obanigba  , shook his head , asked her few questions and told the woman to come back. The following day the woman came back and was given double the amount she demanded for.

          Few months ago, a young man cried to him that  his father died and he  is the first  child of the family , and according to custom and tradition he has to  buy the casket for the burial. Obanigba  asked how much he needed for the casket, he counted the money and gave him.
These are some of what the man called Mukaila Obanigba , a silent giver , a  philanthropist and a devoted Moslem does without blowing his trumpet.

                WHY I GIVE

    Every year he gives money to the handicapped, to the market women and to the needy . Many testified to this attitude of his philanthropy  .Asked why he gives out money freely and donating as if he has any political ambition or any motive behind it . Obanigba smiled and said   '' I am not rich and I am not poor . I  have gone through hardship.I  know what it is to be hungry and not to go to school. I am not doing all these  for cheap popularity or for any favour . It is in the Holy Koran even in the  Bible to help the needy.
 I believe in hard work  with God's blessings.  I just have to do it,l have no power of mine its God that answers prayers . If I wait till next day to do good what if I don't wake up the next day?  '', he said.



    Obanigba has been in the  sawmill business since 1999.  According to him he inherited the business from his late father, Obanigba  and has been doing it since then.He said many  have abandoned the business but for him , he is still in it by God's grace.''I have experience in this profession and cannot be cheated. I know how much a timber cost. I have driven timber vehicle , and I have cut the wood using machines, infact I  know the nitty- gritty of the business so nobody can pool wool on my eyes''

   There are a lot of challenges  in the business , he said  but he  is able to face most of these challenges  due to his experience  and Allah's guide . He  said '' nobody can cheat me in the business because of the knowledge of the bush  and the skill I had acquired from my late father so  nobody can come up to cheat me on the number of trees fell, sold or bought''


  The man who had seen the good , the bad and the ugly said he has been to many forests and  had faced many hazards in the bush while sourcing for his daily bread .Recounting part of  his experience, Obanigba said ''I have been to many forests and seen dangerous animals . I  with my co workers  once had encounter with a  gorilla in the bush and we had to run away leaving our implements behind.It is a real gorilla ,it is  very mighty .This I can never forget in my life . It is real. We ran for our dear lives. I came across the animal  along  Benin-Idanre -Akure road''

               ON THE TIMBER LORRIES 
  The man who defended the usage of using old and rickety  timber lorries gave his reason,  '' nobody uses good ones for the drivers would not use it very well, we are black and wicked and will not maintain the good ones so there is no point buying new ones.Do you know some of these timber lorries don't even have brakes?.That is why nobody can even encourage his children to be its driver'', he said


   ''They call it agbegilodo magbeyawo  (the lorry that carries  timber but not a wife) because nobody  will use  the vehicle for pleasure so one cannot take his wife or family along in the vehicle and it is not for a family .Some of these timber vehicles don't even have light or brake, imagine. If there is an accident they will all perish, a family must not  be in the vehicle or else all of them will perish'', he counseled.

            WHY I KEEP PIGEONS
   The businessman who has been keeping pigeons as his pet spoke how he loves keeping birds  , he  said  ''those are my birds . I am an Aviculturist . I  love  pigeons and whenever they know  that  I am around they will cluster round me and flap  their wings.Their beauty shows and I feel happy seeing the nature and work of God'', said  the timber Merchant  .
Reminded that some mischievous people  could read negative  meaning to his pigeons , he fired back '' I have over 1,000 pigeons , it is my hobby. If they say the  birds give me money then it is funny, and if over 1000  pigeons give me money then I should be able to knock Obama, the  former President of America's door and say hello to him''.

  As we fell trees always , would there be  trees in the forest again?, the business man was asked, but he quickly gave an answer ''there is nothing like  that ,there is nothing like deforestation for  trees cannot finish in this world,no'', he responded and added '' a tree  grows every five years, and that is it ,There are trees everywhere.Have you seen where trees did not grow?''


Obanigba says he is a good mixer , he said ''I am a socialite , I do drink but in moderation and  I don't smoke'' .
Asked what he sees when he look at the morning every morning, he replied '' when I look at the mirror  I discovered that I am getting old, we cannot stay young forever''. 

The timber businessman and saw miller said  he has received many awards from different organizations and state , ''You can see the awards, we would talk about it next time'', he said .

Saturday 23 February 2019

''I have a good wife''

                 I have a good wife, says Engr. Adekunle

People from all walks of life  were present , those who were at work took permission and  left their job to honour the invitation

The church was filled and everybody was cheerful as smiles parted the congregation's lips. This was during the  thanksgiving service  which was held at Freedom Church, St.Louis  Rue Francois, St Flourissan, Missouri in America. The occasion witnessed different types of attires and designs .They sang songs , they were happy, as the ''twins'' wore same clothes , wriggled their waists while their children , family members,  friends and well wishers joined them.They sang the  Edo songs while Owo songs were rendered . It was beautiful to behold as each displayed  each other's culture. While the celebrators wore their clothes sewn in Edo's  style , Engineer Samson Adekunle Obanigba too wore his coral beads on his hands and neck  to show them he is from a royal family and a Chief too.

 Engr. Adekunle and the family members  danced   towards the altar.
One   of the celebrators gave a testimony of a near fire accident their vehicle almost had while on a visit in  Nigeria .
At the church  , the officiating Pastor and leader of  Freedom Church , Pastor Femi Omiye prayed for the celebrators.  Mrs.Anehita Adekunle and Ameze Egharevba  are loving sisters from same parents  while many are still wondering whether they are twins  or not. Yes, one is plump and beautiful and the other is
slim and tall.

It was a big celebration.At the African Palace food was surplus , wine flooded  at the place while  everyone was satisfied. The assorted food was rich . Infact  after eating  many packed food and wine home (as Ayefele sang Ao je ajeyo, a o tun di lole). A  man was asking where the  bathroom was while looking straight at the bathroom.He was 'highly' satisfied.
The photographer who was contracted to take their shots was a good one as he went round and took beautiful shots without missing any.


The questions on everybody's lips are :Are they twins? If they are not why did they chose one day to celebrate?
However , this reporter interviewed the mother who spoke glowingly about them.Their  husbands spoke .Are they twins? What did their mother say?

It was  a great fun. It was thrilling  .It was a highly celebrated  birthday party.
Engr.  Samson Adekunle Obanigba who with his beads dancing on his neck. He showed  his dancing skill as he danced his heart out for all to see .
Obanigba , an Engineer said he has to obey God and do what will make his wife happy . He said     '' my wife is my better half God gave me, she gave me beautiful children and since I married her I have no regret. She is a wife, mother and sister in a million''.
Asked whether he would be like a Chief who have many wives back home , he said '' Ha! what am  I doing with the plural words [ wives] you have just said ?'' . I believe in God and   also believe in one man one wife. Yes, I  am a chief but not that  of many wives, it is not in the Bible to have more than one wife'', he said .
On those who came to witness the  occasion, the Engineer said '' I appreciate all of those who came , like Dr. Olayiwola Olagbegi, the President Owo Association in Missouri, Mama Owo who is the mother of us all, Gboyega Agaun, Pastor Omiye , Gbenga and others I cannot remember to mention'' .

Friday 22 February 2019

Gboyega Aruwajoye se bebe L'America!

Chief Aruwajoye  at 'work'

 He is known as Gboyega Aruwajoye  at home , Owo, Ondo State, but in St.Louis, Missouri , America , he is known as Chief Oloja of Owo,
This reporter met him at a birthday party where  Mrs.Anehita Adekunle and and her sister , Mrs Ameze Egharevba   celebrated their birthday parties recently
''Chief'', as he is popularly called is always with his coral beads with his white beard that made him stood out of all present.

People from all walks of life   were present , those who were at work took permission and  left their job to honour the invitation

Aruwajoye honoured the invitation and  attended the church programme held at Freedom Church, St.Louis  Rue Francois, St Flourissant, Missouri in America where Pastor Omiye is the presiding pastor.
For the bearded Chief, it is an occasion to meet who is who in St Louis and opportunity to meet  Owo natives  .
Asked to comment on the birthday party , the Chief who believes in honouring invitations at all times especially from Owo indigenes said '' I cannot do without coming here . the celebrators are nice people , good and full of humility. I was the first to be given the invitation and I  feel highly honoured ''.
   The occasion witnessed different types of attires and designs the well wishers displayed while the celebrators wore their native attires .They sang songs , they were happy, as the ''twins'' wore same clothes , wriggled their waists while their children , family members,  friends and well wishers joined them.They sang the  Edo songs while Owo songs were rendered . It was beautiful to behold as each displayed  each other's culture. While the celebrators wore their clothes sewn in Edo's  style , Engineer Samson Adekunle Obanigba too wore his coral beads on his hands and neck  to show them he is from a royal family and a Chief too.
 Engr. Adekunle and the family danced   towards the altar.
One   of the celebrators gave a testimony of a near fire accident their vehicle almost had while on a visit in  Nigeria .
At the church  , the officiating Pastor and leader of  Freedom Church , Pastor Femi Omiye prayed for the celebrators.  Mrs.Anehita Adekunle and Ameze Egharevba  are loving sisters from same parents  while many are still wondering whether they are twins  or not. Yes, one is plump and beautiful and the other is
slim and tall.

It was a big celebration.At the African Palace food was surplus , wine flooded  at the place while  everyone was satisfied. The assorted food was rich . Infact  after eating  many packed food and wine home (as Ayefele sang Ao je ajeyo, a o tun di lole). A  man was asking where the  bathroom was while looking straight at the bathroom.He was 'highly' satisfied.
The photographer who was contracted to take their shots was a good one as he went round and took beautiful shots without missing any.

Mama The questions on everybody's lips are :Are they twins? If they are not why did they chose one day to celebrate?
However , this reporter interviewed the mother who spoke glowingly about them.Their  husbands spoke .Are they twins? What did their mother say?
WATCH OUT NEXT WEEK FOR PICTURES and INTERVIEWS of MAMA and Why the celebrators decided to throw a party.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Happy 20years anniversary Olowo of Owo


     Dr. Ogundowole Johnson Bolu (Former Rector, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic,, OWO) wrote '' Hearty cheers ..Your Royal Majesty cheers .Aseyi samodun Kabiyesi''.
   The Olunaun of Unaun, Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde wrote '' Kabiyesi, your type is rare. You are Godly, humble, nice, and good. Kabiyesi you possessed an exemplary character, you wipe tears from people's eyes, you made the weak to be strong . Your encouragement to the weak is high above all you fervently believe in God. Your Biblical names , David and Victor makes God to be with you .AND GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU. WA REHIN ODI KABIYESI. MO YIKA OTUN , MO YIKA OSI OOOO.

    Oshofen Adedapo Suleimon the Baale of Oke Imade Owo rejoice with His Royal Majesty Oba (Dr) David Victor Folagbade Olateru-Olagbegi III, the Olowo of Owo and the entire Owo Kingdom and abroad on the auspicious celebration of coronation anniversary of our Kabiyesi . Long Live the King

Chief FAMULAGUN OF OWO wrote '' Kaabiyesiii waa gbo waaa to, waa je ju bare o bami. U are one of the greatest loving Kabiyesis . I love you ''
Md. Morenike Ogunseitan wrote '' Kaaaabiyesi u are great. You are loved because you always put God first. God loves you because you put Him first. U are a genius. I pray for you to live longer than your forefathers . WA DARUGBO O BAMI. OKE TEDO MALE. MO JUBA .MO YIKA OTUN MO YIKA OSI O KAABIYESI . 
Koya Olateru Olagbegi wrote'' I love my brother .Congratulations to HRH
Adebola Ogunbadenusi wrote ''Igin ila abowojagbala , Ogwaluwaye Odigho Oketedomale War'ehinodi o,Ologho ye n'Ogho, was sumondon yo yeye o, Kaaabiyesi ooo ma dunn se Ologho o, Orisake madun 'un se Ologho o, Aaaaseeee
Aruwajoye Benny Adeniyi ;''Ogwa Oluwa oketedomale, wagbo wato wareyin odi
   Chief Ogwatoghose Tola said '' Wagbo Wa to Wajeju 'Bare o,Ogwa Oluwaiye, Ogho atubo kasengwa asiko tere . Wako wa pe o Bami, Gede Oma OLUGBADE meyen o, Bawa
  Lekan Adejuwon wrote'' It's been 20years of consistent reportage of the Palace by one of Owo's seasoned and gifted journalists, Long live His Royal Majesty , long tsaiwo Taiwo Abiodun.
Md.Bukola Oladipo  [nee Abiodun] wrote ''Kaaabiyesi since  your assumption to the office  Owo has really developed and still developing .your regime brought many goodies to Owo, there is increase in Banking industry and there is peace. May you live longer than your forefathers, happy anniversary KAAAAAABIIIIIYESSIIIIII OOOOOO''
Chief Adeniyi Adewole Kabiyesi happy celebration. More years in grace .Aro Ologho iba mi oron .Oke tedo male .Ikigin ila abowo jaghala.Oma oligin ila meta ona Ogho. Ore i one ba bami re ma bore. Udin i one ba din mi owo ma din owo, Osise i one ba seghun , Orisa oke ose, Mo konigho afose
Hellen Olu- Akinniyi says '' Kabiyesi o, Ogwa Oluwaye gede , Oketedo male e je ju awon isaju lo sir, irukere a di abere. Kabiyesi ooooo.Aseyi samodun. Long may you reign . E se 100 years sir.
Omobolanle Akinwale says '' Congratulations to our amiable Kabiyesi , igba odun kan , ojo kan , ka'de pe lori , ki bata pe lese oba wa . Amin.
Adetula Olatunde screamed OLOWO YE NOWO WA KA WA SAAAAA  OOOO
Bunmi Ayodele Oluwadare sent a joyful graphic .....
Owatowose Dipo wrote Oooooooooooooologho Baba oooo. Ekon NLA Oko YEYE Ololade
The Elerewe of Owo , Ilori Tunde Elerewe  wrote '' Kaaaaabiyesi  waaa gbo, waaaa to waa je ju bare .I wish you the very best. You will celebrate 30, 40 even 100 years IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME. U ARE MY FATHER . I LOVE U'' 
Olusola Deji Ka shouted Kaaaaaaaaabiyesi oooo, aje gbo, aje to, irukere a dabere o, Oologho baba oooo
Rowland Korede Nomuoja wrote Congratulations sir, Igba odun , odun kan ni
Yeyelodu Awo Aina  FAMA from California sent her message : My congratulations to Kabiyesi, Ologho of Ogho. Wishing you plentifully more years on the throne of your  ancestors . May there be unity among all speakers of Ogho language with no derogatory terms or lookdowns. May we all rise and work together in promoting /uplifting  our own divine part of our great Oduduwa nation, hopefully also in keeping Nigeria as a country of pride for all of us .Ase.

Sanni Olatunde says Ologho Baba ooo. Wa je ju ero iwaju
Wale Fatade wrote Kabiyesi o
Toyin Ayobamildele wrote Kade pe lori , ki bata pe lese OBA
Taiwo Owoputi Folashade Caroline says Kabiyesi sir, kade ki o pe lori , ki irukere di okin, ni o kabiyesi wa gbo wato waje ju bae o. Emi oma e, eekin o Folashade chatting from Cairo Egypt , Once again u will live long and long sir.
Akin Famuwagun  Famulagun a radio presenter of Arts and Culture wrote '' Kabiiiiiiyesi , wa gbo , wa too waa je jubare, Kabbiyesi waa rehin odi . You are one of the greatest and loving Yoruba Obas . May you live longer than your forefathers''. 
Makinwa Adetula wrote :Greetings to His Imperial Majesty and thanks giving to the Almighty God , on behalf of the head of Uwangwe Sashere family , High chief Akinsote Adetula III , the Sasere of Owo Kingdom and the entire Uwangwe Sahere family both home and abroad hereby rejoice , celebrate and congratulate our own highly revered Royal Father His Imperial Majesty Oba DVF Olateru Olagbegi III [cfr] on the joyous occassion of his twenty glorious years of eventful and peaceful reign as the Olowo of Owo Kingdom on the 21 day of February , 2019.To God alone be the glory and adoration AMEN

 Olanitori Olusegun Julius wrote '' On behalf of my nuclear family, i herein express congratulatory words of royal felicitations to his Royal Majesty of Owo City- Ogwa David Folagbade -Olaeru Olagbegi , the Olowo of Owo, on the 20th anniversary of his enthronement as the incumbent royal King of Owo Kingdom , Twenty is humanly considered among Owo ethnic natives as a sign of positioning -standing maturity and so may His royal Majesty of Owo Kingdom specially blossom further not only on his royal position as the most paramount royal king of both Owo ethnic and Ondo state of Nigeria but also on his royal rank as the second most paramount royal king in Yoruba tribe of Nigeria .Congratulations to all natives of Owo ethnic.
Babatunde Rafiu Owalaye wrote '' Happy 20th anniversary to His royal Majesty Alaiyeluwa Oba [Dr] David Victor Folagbade Olateru Olagbegi III, JP, CFR, [ The Olowo of Owo Kingdom].Kabiyesi , while wishing you many more years on the throne of your ancestors , may your reign continue to be peaceful and bring more development to Owo Kingdom .God will continue to guide, bless ,protect and be with you Sir.Olowo a rehin Odin ooooo
Prince Olagbegi Adekunle AD wrote '' It is exactly 20years today when you were installed in Ondo state .Kabiyesi His Royal Majesty Oba [Dr,]Victor Folagbade Olateru -Olagbegi III [JP,CFR]as you celebrate your 20 years on the throne today sir, you shall celebrate many more years ahead in good helath, long life , mercy favor, and prosperity ...one again Congratulations to you kabiyesi ...........Oma Oluwayegede, oma okuarabaribi, oma ogwaluwaye Odigho, Oma Osokobolokunhon sagbe idolokunhon ku duhun kotee mateehun, Oko Yeyesa, Oko Yeye shorun,Oma ekon uli ye pa toko je , Oma ekon udee , Oketedomale. Tuwa je ju bae oo bami . Ologho Baba Ooo, Ologho Baba Ooo , Ologho a sumondon oo Ase Prince Adekunle Ademola Olagbegi [ AADO]
Olanrewaju Osabiya wrote in his message '' Kabiyesi to Olowo of Owo Kingdom, May you , majestically celebrate many more years on the throne with sound mind, good health and wonderful grace of God.
Oladele Seinde wrote '' Kabiyesi wa sumondon yo yeye
Biodun Obagunre wrote '' Congratulation to you Baba
Olawolu Opeyemi wrote '' Congrats Kabiyesi
Eburu Kikelomo Helen wrote '' Congratulations my own Kabiyesi, wagbo wagbo wa rehin odi.Long live Owo kingdom
Rachael Bolaji Asagba wrote '' Congratulations sir
Ade Kemi wrote Congratulations sir
Comfort Jimoh wrote '' Congratulations your highness Happy birthday
Ologunoye Steve wrote ''Congratulations
Abey Ogunmola wrote '' Congratulations , sir more life to live
Akinsehinde Toyin wrote '' Kabiyesi , Aseyi samodun o
Godfrey Jide Ademulegun wrote '' OOOOlogho baba oooo, congratulation
Bayode Emmanuel Folagbade wrote '' Congratulation sir
Hakeem Jubril says Congratulations sir
Abegunde Olusegun Pomba wrote '' Eshin Oba a joko pe o. Congratulations Ogwauwaye odighoro
Lizzy Betty says wa gboo wa tooor o baba . Oni o san ghen o.Congrats sir
Balogun Tola wrote '' Ade ape lori , bata a pe lese , may u live long sir
Bernice Ayodeji Ogbesusi Babafemi wrote '' Congratulations sir, aseyi somuren oooooo
Ayomi Ayomi says congratulations sir, more life
Deborah Omotoriogun Kabiyesi o, congratulations , wa gbao, wa ro .Oko Yeyessa. wa je jubare o loruko Jesu .Amin
Adebola Ogunbadenusi said '' Congratulations sir . Ade a pe lori, Ade a pe lori, Oba to mo Jesu, Ade a pe lori, Ologho!, Baba o!, Wa sunmodon yo yeye bami, Wa rehin odin o, Akata ila bori Ogho male , Ologho ye ne Ogho , Kaabiyesi oo
Wande Ojomo wrote Long live King
Alele-Wilson Olubukola wrote '' Oluwaye gede , wa gbo wa to, wa je jubare

Bamidele Olayinka wrote '' Long live may u reign HRM
Ayodele Idowu Ademulegun wrote '' May you live long Kabiyesi
Funmi Oke wrote '' Long live the king
Ademola Johnson Omoolorun wrote '' Happy anniversary my benefactor . All hail the king ..Long live to the king
Adeniseun Kehinde wrote Long life Kabiyesi
Victoria Alao wrote '' Leeeeeji Luwa mi
Festusalaba Omomeji wrote '' OGWALUWAYE , LEEJI, WA GBO, WATO WAREYINODI
Oluwaseun Anaun Oluwatayo Adetayo wrote '' ASE''
Obayemi Faith Omobajesu wrote Oba atopaye ..ise .Felicitation Ologho made
Amani Adeluwoye Ayorinde wrote '' BABA congratulations on your TRIM TO SUCCESS KABIESI

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Please rescue me, Comfort cries out

                                                 AGONY OF A FAMILY 1


           ......SHE HAS THREE SET OF TWINS

            .........One set is dead

           ......The second set  has no Taiye

          ......The third  set  has no Kehinde

          ........ Taiye is crippled

           ........Kehinde is blind

             .......Other three children are.....

 Madam Comfort Olore is crying for help . And who will help her?
First, her first set of twins died at infancy ,another set of her twins left one behind and the last set of twins also left one behind. Not only this, among the two set of twins left behind one is now totally blind and was operated on its stomach while the other is crippled , all from same mother .

  Seeing the blind  and handsome Kehinde using  his hand to pave way for himself to come into the living room simultaneously his younger sister , Taiwo too  who crawled on her chest   from the inner room with her withered legs would make one cry. Yes, it  was like a movie , not funny but pathetic!
  One could read poverty on  their mother's face who had just  arrived  from the market with two tiny tubers of yam to prepare their food for the day. In fact,  sadness  was written all over  her face .
The mother who said she had been called names narrated her ordeal:

''My name is Comfort Olore I am over 60 years old . I am married to different husbands. I have three set of twins , the first set died at seven months ( premature). Another set came and when they were three months old it was only Kehinde ( now blind) that survived while the last set of twins came ,only Taiwo ( now lame) survived again.
I have three other children living in Iyere, Ondo and Lagos but they are not financially okay. I have relations but none assisted me”.
She declared that she needs help , “I sell pap and that is the only source of our livelihood and that is all what we depend upon to survive . I don't have  money to buy corns now . I want assistance from good- spirited Nigerians”, she begged .
Asked whether her  daughter, Taiwo  has married she declared  ''Some men do come to Taiwo but they couldn’t spend, they are stingy
[Left-right]  Taiwo, Kehinde and their mother, Comfort

while those who come to her would befriend her and after sometime  they would run away and would not come back here again .I believe it could be because of her condition( lame)”, she said with emotion .
       Asked whether there is spiritual undertone with what she is experiencing as many thought  but she declared ''I
don’t belong to any society , I go to church”.

                                                AGONY OF A FAMILY 3

 Kehinde Asojo 
“My name is Kehinde Asojo. I am 30 years old . I finished my secondary school from  Adeyeri Grammar School, Owo, and I have distinctions in my subjects .I tried to further my studies when I gained admission into Rufus Giwa Polytechnic but due to financial condition I couldn’t go and I went to learn welding in Benin .My father died in 2010. We sold my father’s land and used the proceeds for my medical expenses in the year 2016 when I had a gastro intestinal operation , I couldn’t go to toilet and thanks to some doctors and good- spirited- Nigerians at the hospital ( FMC, Owo) who contributed money for the operation .  

Strange wire
Kehinde has been crying over the pains he is having from the stomach where he was operated on , he said  ''last November I started seeing the wire used for the suturing of the operation coming out  from my stomach  I showed it to my mother.I didn’t go back to the hospital to report. This operation was done in the year 2016 .I am in agony , I am in pains .I have lost my two eyes as a result of glaucoma.
“I had a girlfriend before but I lost interest when this problem came .I have been like this since 2014. I wish to further my studies and go to Special school but who will assist me

Taiwo’s tommy:The operation was performed in 2016, and the suture or wire  coming our  November 2017, he is in pain.

Taiwo Olore
She  grabbed the edge of her skirt , crawled to where her wheelchair was and mounted it in the corner of their living room without a furniture.
“I am Taiwo and I am 24 years old, my Kehinde has died long time ago.I am not of the same father with the blind Taiwo. My condition was not like this when I was born ( her mother argued that she was like that). This wheelchair was donated to me by one sister called Titi. Things are not easy with my mother as she struggle to meet up our needs.I was learning knitting before but my boss was very hostile to me that was why l left.”

                             AGONY OF A FAMILY 2

Taiwo wishes to learn a trade if assisted.
The family lives at Express- Ikare junction, Owo, Ondo State

Saturday 16 February 2019

''I met Elerewe Ojo in 1973''

I met Elerewe Ojo in 1973. I was surprised by several things about him:
  • His friendliness
  • His young age
  • His height
  • And the storehouse of information he had in his head.
I had spent several weeks already interviewing Chief M.B. Ashara, who had worked with Olateru-Olagbegi II in gathering a history of Owo together, and with Chief Justus Akeredolu, who had retired from the Department of Antiquities and was living in his home in Owo. From the information I had gained from those two, I determined that I would attempt to visit as many chiefly families as I could and gather each title’s history as the family remembered it.

The Elerewe was quick to grant me an audience, and we sat for many interviews. Usually he and I sat in a courtyard at his house, and his very tall mother walked about, listening as we talked. After providing me with his version of the founding of Owo from Ile-Ife, the list of Olowos beginning with Ojugbelu in 1019, then Imade, Kodo, Agwobojoro, and telling me about each up through Sir Olateru-Olagbegi II, he eventually addressed his own title.
The Elerewe title, he told me, had been created by Olowo Otutubosu for his brother Akintin, the first Elerewe. Akintin was the son of Olowo Abe, and his mother was Oluyamaka, a native of Akungba. Olowo bestowed on him the udaigha, the orufonran, the pakato, and made him the head of the omolowos – past, present and future – and the quarter head of Igboroko.
A list of Elerewes included Akintin, Olubobare, Adesunloye, Adekanye, Olakunori, and Ojo Oladutele, who had been installed in 1953. He told me how he had gone to the Aafin with a large entourage. There the Olowo sat on his throne, and all the traditional chiefs and kingmakers were assembled. He was called outside, where he was asked to remove his outer clothing, and kneeling dressed only on trousers and a singlet, he knelt as the Ojumu called his name three times. Then he stated that the Olowo wanted to bestow the title of Elerewe of Owo on him, and that if he served well, he would prosper. He was warned too that if he did not serve well, he would not prosper. The Olowo provided four strings of coral beads for his legs along with other paraphernalia associated with the title. For a nine day period, a different object of the set of paraphernalia was worn as he went to the palace to pay homage to the Olowo. On the ninth day, he was fully robed and danced around the entire city, followed by family members, chiefs, friends and visitors from outside Owo. It was then that he was finally chief.

 ''The father of the current Elerewe, then, was a man of dignity, a man of wisdom, a man who sought out the threads of history to weave them together to tell the story of Owo Kingdom. I am sure that his son will continue to carry out the duties of Quarter Head of Igboroko and of the title of Elerewe with the intelligence, thoughtfulness and goodwill that his father carried out his responsibilities''
On succeeding visits, he shared with me thoughts on igogo,architecture, orisha ile, shigidi, the various towns and villages that comprose Owo – Iyere, Ipele, Isuada, Ipenme, Emure-ile, Amuren, Isho, and Idashen. Elerewe laid out for me each quarter of town – Iloro, Isaipen, Igboroko, Ijebu, Ehinogbe.
Then taking each Olowo in turn, Elerewe shared with me the successes or failures of the reign and how each is remembered in Owo history. Then the major chieftaincy titles – Sashere, Oshere, Ojumu, Ojomo, Owadogbon, Oshodi, and the various otu of chiefs, his own, Otu Sashere, consisting of Sashere, Elerewe, Ariyo, Owadogbon, Owalaiye, Olugboshere, Idogun, Arelepo, Oshuporu, and Aribo.
We discussed the ako ceremony, Orisha-agbaiye and the olorisha, Osanyin, Ogun, ashigbo cloth, the oposi ceremony, the ebolo cloth, and so many other topics.
It was apparent to me at the time, that much of Elerewe Ojo’s great potential was hindered by the political realities of the late 1960s and 1970s. Despite those drawbacks he maintained a sense of duty for carrying out his obligations as chief.

 The father of the current Elerewe, then, was a man of dignity, a man of wisdom, a man who sought out the threads of history to weave them together to tell the story of Owo Kingdom. I am sure that his son will continue to carry out the duties of Quarter Head of Igboroko and of the title of Elerewe with the intelligence, thoughtfulness and goodwill that his father carried out his responsibilities.
Pofessor Robin Poynor is  

Friday 15 February 2019

Engr. Samson Adekunle's wife 'shook' Missouri

                                       IT'S A GOOOAAAL

People from all walks of life  were present , those who were at work took permission and  left their job to honour the invitation

The church was filled and everybody was cheerful as smiles parted the congregation's lips. This was during the  thanksgiving service  which was held at Freedom Church, St.Louis  Rue Francois, St Flourissan, Missouri in America. The occasion witnessed different types of attires and designs .They sang songs , they were happy, as the ''twins'' wore same clothes , wriggled their waists while their children , family members,  friends and well wishers joined them.They sang the  Edo songs while Owo songs were rendered . It was beautiful to behold as each displayed  each other's culture. While the celebrators wore their clothes sewn in Edo's  style , Engineer Samson Adekunle Obanigba too wore his coral beads on his hands and neck  to show them he is from a royal family and a Chief too.
 Engr. Adekunle and the family danced   towards the altar.
One   of the celebrators gave a testimony of a near fire accident their vehicle almost had while on a visit in  Nigeria .
At the church  , the officiating Pastor and leader of  Freedom Church , Pastor Femi Omiye prayed for the celebrators.  Mrs.Anehita Adekunle and Ameze Egharevba  are loving sisters from same parents  while many are still wondering whether they are twins  or not. Yes, one is plump and beautiful and the other is
slim and tall.

It was a big celebration.At the African Palace food was surplus , wine flooded  at the place while  everyone was satisfied. The assorted food was rich . Infact  after eating  many packed food and wine home (as Ayefele sang Ao je ajeyo, a o tun di lole). A  man was asking where the  bathroom was while looking straight at the bathroom.He was 'highly' satisfied.
The photographer who was contracted to take their shots was a good one as he went round and took beautiful shots without missing any.


The questions on everybody's lips are :Are they twins? If they are not why did they chose one day to celebrate?
However , this reporter interviewed the mother who spoke glowingly about them.Their  husbands spoke .Are they twins? What did their mother say?

samsons wife

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher.  He says his Community is surroun ded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Ab...