Sunday 31 March 2019

Why they call me Obè Àkùko

                                                 Obè Àkùko

 ....... Why I set my bed and mattress ablaze ..................Why they call me an  eunuch 
 ........I have spent over 64years in Owo

                                 Obè Àkùko' [Chicken stew]
 Not many people  know his name except his appellation 'Obè Àkùko'. The Octogenarian speaks of how he came to Owo, his nickname and many others. Taiwo Abiodun reports


 His name was  a household name in  Owo , Ondo State in the 1960s to early 2000 , for he was among the best few  watch repairers in the ancient town.  In his shop located at the  Late Pa Oladoyinbo's house opposite St Patrick's Anglican Church, Ijebu-Owo, where one could see different types and sizes of wall clocks, table clocks and wrist watches for repair where the high and the low come to repair their watches.
He is a man of average height, rich in Òwò proverbs and poetry . Not only this ,the  octogenarian could speak Òwò dialect fluently despite the fact that he is  not  a native. Popular and loved by the old and the young because he is jovial and had never been angry. 
  He was so popular that if he contested for the  post of a Counselor he could win. When hailed ''Obè Àkùko'!, Obè Akuko!! Obè Akuko !!!" his response would be"You will partake from it". "You will be great" .You will not faint", "Your wife will not run away" etc .
Then if you shout ''Obe opolo''[toad's soup], then he would reply '' You will keep it for your father''.Then he would promise to give you one of his wrist watches from about six watches strapped on each of his wrist which you will never be given. That is the ever jovial and smiling man who harbors no-ill feelings against anybody,  Obè Àkùko   

The 80 -year -old man said "My names are : Alfred Wadai popularly known as Obè Àkùko. I am from Ohodua in Ishan ,  South - East Local government . I was born in 1939 but I don't know the day for my parents were illiterate and did not know the date either .
" I learnt the watch repairing skill from an Ibo man when I was young and  after my freedom in 1955 I came to Òwò. I did the work for over 50 years before I pensioned myself .Today things have changed as nobody repairs watches again. I am married to one wife. I have one head and as God created Adam for one wife so I am ", he said as everybody in the vicinity burst into laughter.


 " I came to Òwò in 1955 after my training as a watch repairer under an Ibo man in the then Mid -Western state, and started my job as a watch repairer".
     STORY BEHIND  Obè ÀkùKo
On how he earned his nickname , the 80 -year -old man gave a roar laughter and started his story: "One day, I think it was in 1965 I went to the late Òwò billionaire , Chief Jide Fagboyegun's poultry farm to buy a live chicken and people who saw me on my way back home were shouting on top of their voices" Obè Àkùko!, Obè Àkùko!! Obè Àkùko !!!" , in a mockery way. They  were curious and   asked  what I wanted to use it for, because I was not rich and buying live chicken then was exclusively for the rich .I replied them " Wa jobe, Aye a ye, Waa dagba etc" .Since then I have been called Obè Àkùko and only  few people know my real name".

Obè Àkùko was fond of writing the dates he rented an apartment on the back of the door of his room , he said " Any house I packed into I always write the date at the back of the door. I was once living in Baba Bayode's house ( Baba Sola) at No 12, Èhìn-Ogbė before I relocated to Ìjèbú- Òwò because business activities in Èhìn -Ogbè was dull for they soon go to bed between 6:30- 7pm '', he continued ''but for people living in Ìjèbú it was jolly , jolly and I said I must come to Ìjêbú that was how I went to live in the late Pa Oladoyinbo's house ( the father of the present Kabiyesi Ojomo Oluda ) at Ìjèbú where commercial activities were at the best and they sleep late as workers would come for their watches. I was not driven away or ejected from their house or any house in Òwò throughout my period of my tenancy'', he said with confidence .
For Obè Àkùko who was serious and dedicated to his job , because he ignored women , he was blackmailed and called eunuch , he said " in those days ladies called me eunuch because I did not chase them or go after them or press their    'organ' ".
   Whenever he is praised or hailed as ' Obè Àkùko , ' he will respond by saying '' wa a jobe'',( you will eat sumptuous soup), ''we nii jabo''( you will not fall), ''Òrò re ti dayò ''( your case has turned to joy ) , ''Waaaaye''( You will survive) etc

     According to Obè Àkùko, he is no longer a tenant in Owo where he spent all his life . He with all gratitude to God and full of humility said " one of my children built a house for me in GRA, and when I was packing in I burnt my mattress and bed , and moved in with a new set".
            As he said this he gave thanks to God. He stood up , looked at everyone as he was hailed by this reporter , and he responded in Òwò dialect" Wàá dàgbà, Wàá jobè, wéé níí wè sú Òràn, Wàá gbóóó" etc.( You will grow old, You will eat sumptuous soup, you will not be in trouble,  You will grow old).
           As the old man was  walking back to his residence, those who met him along the way and those who were in their houses and heard his voice continued hailing him saying , ''Ooobe Akuko! Oooobe Akuko!!'', the old man too was responding  '' Waa jeun pe, aya re ni salo, waaa dagba, weee ni we sun oran'', [ meaning You will live long, you will grow old,your wife will not run away, you will not be in trouble ). 
But when a rascal boy  cried '' Oobe opolo,Oobe Opolo' (toad soup!, toad soup!!) he too responded '' waa gbede B'are, waa jeee''[ When he was greeted toad soup, he replied '' You will keep it  for your father, you will eat it ). What a wonderful and witty  man loved by everybody.

Tuesday 26 March 2019


        Dr. Olayiwola Olagbegi ,one of the most                respected  Medical Doctors in America

    Ero  Ehinogbe, Oke Ogho, Ijebu, Ode'ya, Okedogbon,  Uka, Uselu,Unaun,Clerk Quarters, Oke -Ijebu, Ekusi, Ogbanengun  ( Iregun),Owatowose,  GRA, Obukele,Isaipen, Ugbooko, Usanma, Poly area, Igbanasa, Idimepen,Upele, Uloro, Owaluwa, Shagari Village, Conway, Ujelu, Upenmen, Ulale Uli, Ulale Oko, Iyere, Upo, Ugbe, Otapete, Emure Uli , Emure Oko, Elegbeka,Usijogun, Amuren, Usho, Ogbonmo, Uka, Upele, Ifan ,Arimogija, Ute, Imoru,Ijagba, Ute,  Osse, Okeluse, Ahere Bami ila, etc. EGHEN KA WA OOO. E YA GBA IWOSAN OFE OWO OGHON OMA GHEN YE NGHUN AMERICA. OOFE E REEE OOOO


     Mama Sikira, Baba Kayode, Grandma and Grandpa, Bami, Yemi, Aunti mi,  Uncle, Tony , Cousin,  Yisa,  Suberu, Mukaila, Yemi lebedu, Yemi olila, Yemi Elegunsi, Oga Carpenter, Mechanic, nephew , niece, auntie stop groaning  and don't die in silence. 
   Come to Mapo Hall  ( OKE MAPO)for free medical Services , no kobo is charged, just take a taxi or Okada from where you are and come to Mapo Hall .Save your money and come here for medical help. It is only five days April 8 to April 12

Are you sick? Are you suffering from hernia, eye problem, or have any ailment?. It is high time for you to benefit from this free medical services coming from America by Owo indigenes.

This is to announce to the public  that Owo children abroad are providing Free medical services to the indigenes.It is not that you cannot afford to pay for your medical services but the organization believes they should give back to the society or their town what has been given to them .

 The World Council of Owo Association USA, INC (WOCOA) is offering free medical services to Owo indigenes from April 8 to April 12 .                 
diabetes screening, Blood pressure, Dental services, Breast Cancer Awareness and Education, Pharmaceutical services, Ophthalmological  services, Skin and Wound Care and Dental care. 

  It's me,
 Bobo T, T Bobo , Babalawo Of the Nation (BoN)

Monday 18 March 2019

Mystical and mythical Palace of Alale




        Meeting this 85 year old  Community leader, HRH Oba  Kabiyesi Oba Okikiola Folagbade Adetifa III  is interesting. He is the Baba Aladura of Cherubim and Seraphim and  a royal father  who believes fervently in God too. Welcome to Alale palace at Idashen Quarters in Owo. The palace that is  rich in culture and  full of  mythical and mystical stories.

                               ............ Mysterious chain
                        ..........Mysterious Staff
                           .......... Strange room
                          ...........Haaaa! don't look at the  king's head or...
                           ........Aisenwen river that never flows
                          ........ Trees over 400years old

     As this reporter  made effort to touch a  chain  nailed on  the wall  the royal father screamed '' Don't, Kai ! please don't touch it, it is forbidden. Don't touch it if you love yourself. Kai , please don't touch it or you will be paralyzed''. The old man cried to high heavens. Shock, fear  and  embarrassment engulfed  this reporter's mind   and  he  started shaking like a leaf floated on  water. He developed goose pimples. No matter how bold you are even  if you have a lion's heart your heart beat would increase not because of high blood pressure but seeing a ''mere'' rustic chain nailed on the wall and being told  how sacred it is .
   The monarch said ''the chain  is called ' eghan'  that is the chain one of our ancestors   came down with  from the  above''. No wonder  this forms part of the 'oriki' (panegyrics) Ulale   quarter, Oma  Alale ateghan ro [ Siblings of Alale that came down with chain]. That is what  was on the wall of  one of the courtyards in the  palace,the rustic  chain  nailed on  the wall , it coiled round the small  rustic iron  nailed on the wall.The nail and the chain had become rustic as they have seen ages.
According  to Oba Julius Okikiola Folagbade Adetifa III,  the  Alale  of Idashen ,  "It is forbidden to touch the chain, whoever touches it will become paralyzed.I must confess to you that such  calamities had happened in the past as our forefathers told us.  And  this is  known in this vicinity .So  no  one touches it !  The chain has been there  for over 400years  and it is what the first Alale  used to  descend from heaven''. He continued '' the Alale first landed in Okejeti , Ile -Ife, later at Ora and Oke Owo where  the Government Primary school it today, and  ended here at Idashen'', he said , while nodding intermittently and with full confidence of the approval of his story . Alale said  ''people  from all  places  come here to do research on it and they found out that it is true'' . 

      The royal father  , who is  now the 35th Alale  of Ulale said the chain is highly significant because it has a role to play before, during and after their  festival, he continued ''Our  festival  called Agwe is held every five years  and it is the most  popular and important one in all our festivals .When  it is the time for the festival the mysterious chain  gives signs and would  unwind itself  gradually especially in the month of June  till July , and that means  the festival is ready to be observed, while those in charge of the festival would know  and request for all the requirements  needed . The community   will then informed . And immediately after the festival  the chain  goes back  or recoils back  to its former position until the following   five years  for another festival", he proudly explained.

On how it was nailed there the monarch said he could not say since it has been there for centuries as he who happened to be the 35th royal father met it there also. He said  ''According to history  my father told me  ,it was one of the slaves that nailed the mysterious chain   on the wall, after nailing it on the wall the slave  died!'', the old man said,  looking straight at  the reporter's eyes.

According to the monarch, Agwe festival is held every five years . Agwe means bath , he said. During this period   necessary rites  are performed , some of  the  rules to be observed  and strictly  adhered to are: one must not eat  leftover  food or wear the clothes he wore the previous day, in a nutshell new clothes are worn everyday.Mothers and women would plait their hair  while the Monarch's wives would do same . There is also a stream  where water is fetched for bathing daily and those fetching the water must not be met on the road to avoid calamity befalling on those who met them on  the way.
 Alale said the reason why it is observed is that   ''the festival, Agwe brings peace, love and progress to the community''. What if not observed? The Oba was asked. ''Haaaa,eewo!, it must be observed , it is compulsory and if not done to the fullest  there will be  calamity, problems, wahala , war and many will not bear children. please don't ask this type of question , haaa, it will be fire on the mountain and I pray never to let it occur ," he replied.

Asked why another room , called Ile Oru remained closed, the monarch pointed at it and declared with voice raised  "That room is a mysterious room (pointing) it has been there for centuries. It is forbidden for any female to enter that room and whoever does that will be barren for li...fe!" . 
Has anybody fallen victim?" the answer is positive! . A Queen called  Aisenwen, wife of one of the Alale’s centuries  ago entered the place as a result of the curse her father placed on her .
 When she entered the room her husband, Alale who knew the story behind it knew she was doomed .

       As the royal father kept on  adjusting the  white skull cap on his head several times , one wondered why, but he has this to say  with total confidence   that it is a taboo for any royal father to leave his head open for public glaring , he said  no royal father must leave his head open to the public to see and since he is  a royal he has to be covering his head. "  I am a monarch and my head must not be seen . It is forbidden , that is why I don't leave my head open and  again I am also an ordained  spiritual Aladura Priest  whose head  has been poured  with anointing oil . The old man dropped a bombshell  ''whoever sees the   skull of this head will be stricken  by poverty .That is why many drivers did not like to drive monarchs .They will  live and die as a pauper if they dare see the monarch's head '' , he said .
   Asked who drives him , the monarch quickly replied" Oh,  my son  drives me , and he is free to see my head for he owns me and could be the future King but for others they are afraid to drive a king as they will ever remain a pauper! ", he said with full authority .

Roles as a traditional ruler and Baba Aladura
"As a man of God and also a traditional ruler , I am doing both successfully ,  Oba as a traditional ruler  is  different thing from  the work of God .You place God's work on your shoulder and handle or hold tradition in your hand .I have no juju but I believe fervently in God , I know what to say , I know a little invocation ,but don't know more than that.I believe  fervently  in God.When it is also time for tradition , I also observe it but most of them are handled by the town's chief priest"

The Baba Aladura who doubles as the monarch and head of community said the forbidden   sacred room no man born of a woman must not open and had never  been opened in life sacred room  had never been opened , and nobody dare tries it .we believe there is  a special ritual performed  in the room to guard against destroying the town, so many things must have been done to guard against enemies in the town .It is a sacred room and a- no- go area to everybody .I have never been tempted to break into the place to sight what is there.

 He added ''here is a river here called Aisenwen , it does not flow, we call it the river that never flows.It is also good in healing  as  many had got healed there also .
.The water or river is worshiped , she was  a goddess from    another town, she got married to Alale, her taboos were broken and she ran into a clay pot and hide herself''.
The monarch likened it to the story of  Oronsen   . 

         THE GREAT CONTROVERSY [Whose story is ORONSEN?]
The monarch said the story of Idashen is like that of Oronsen's Igogo festival in Owo. According to Alale the Monarch's wife was a beautiful woman the royal father, Alale married. She was very rich and was excreting coral beads while she warned her husband to respect and honor her three taboos , thou shall not throw wood before her very eyes, thou shall not grind okra and threw firewood before her.
According to Adetifa III, the wife of one of the ancestors, Alale was beautiful and loved by the King but other wives were envious of her . Apart from the beauty, the woman, Aisenwen  used to defeacate expensive coral beads which was strange and also made the king loved her. One day she stole her father’s precious stone called Ogun and presented it to her beloved husband, the king, during a festival of which the royal father gladly accepted not knowing where it came from. The father of Aisenwen who was powerful discovered what happened and then placed a curse on her daughter, Aisenwen that she would do the forbidden in her husband’s home.

The story continued that the other wives of the royal father secretly discovered the taboos of the woman through their husband and plotted against her and broke her  taboos in her presence by throwing wood, throwing water among others before her eyes. The woman then ran into the forbidden room (Ile-Oru) weeping like a baby there. "When the royal father came, searched for her and later found her in the forbidden room he screamed as he put his index finger in her mouth since he knew the consequence. The beautiful lady narrated all what went wrong while the royal father was away and from there she fled into a bush in tears. As she was going she was weeping, shaking her head and cursing the day evil befell her. She was sorrowful. She was in tears and no amount of pleadings from her husband could rescue her."

When Aisenwen got to the bush, she met a clay pot there and went inside to hide in case her husband sought for her. Truly, the royal father went into the thick bush weeping too in search of his beloved wife. He went with gifts begging her. He went with his chiefs and slaves to beg his beautiful wife to come back home but the woman turned deaf ears. In the end, the clay pot miraculously melted and turned into a river but refused to flow. To date , the river is there and called Aisenwen River. " Each time you pass this river, my son, you will see that, it does not flow. It is a true life story of love,"

River Aisewen is popular in the community and it is worshiped every year. According to investigation, the river cannot flow and must not flow to the other side. "It has been dredged several times but does not flow to the other side.

If it flows a calamity will occur," a chief in the palace corroborated the story .

             DOORLESS WINDOW

"What of the strange window on the mud wall that has been there over 400 years?" It is here the powerful monarch, Alale disappeared into after he had come down with chain and landed on the Osayinagwe tree. The window must not be opened, yet it has no door through which you can enter, we call it the doorless room." The royal father said with a smile.

According to the monarch,  the window has been there for centuries and no one has  ever tried to open it. "It has no door but only a window. And this is where our ancestor Alale used to disappear into anytime he left the hot war-zone'', he said with confidence and added  ''it is a mysterious window nobody must open or dare open it," he said.

On the  animal horns,  the royal father said   "many believe that somebody was behind Obalisa who normally did whatever he was told to do.They are horns of cows. During the Agwe festival   they are brought out and they are only two pieces. The belief is that a man is behind Obalisa yet the man that does it is Oloke and this is still observed till date."
The monarch said he enjoyed wearing his special occasional clothes like Keghojo, Olorimeji, Opanmeta, Egwu Okun all are traditional woven clothes made for special occasions. "I am the 36th Alale on the throne and we still observe our new yam festival.
For the monarch who is not only  a Christian ,  but also holding a position like Pope as  Baba Aladura of a church, he sis not deny the fact that he observes rituals and sacrifices. Beating his chest, the monarch said that he offers sacrifices and rituals for peace to reign in the country adding that he prays as a Christian and a prophet for the country. "Despite the fact that I am the head and king of this place, I observe prayer, I fast and do vigil with my subjects. Again, as the royal father necessary things like offering sacrifices and rituals are
  performed too," he said.
           There is a special drum  called Oluseepe, it  is also positioned strategically there, the   leather drum must not be  beaten by just anybody and it is beaten during burial only.
       In a corner is a  beautiful staff  wrapped with white clothe  placed   in a conspicuous place  where one of the Monarchs was buried , this staff can only be handled by the Oloris                      (Queens). Though,  it looked attractive but it is forbidden to be touched by any  living man, if it touches any man , he becomes impotent immediately . No antidote. No  wonder every male runs away from it to avoid touching him and face calamity.

 Also in the compound are five   trees , they are called the five strange trees - all the trees are touched only  when it is time for yam festival here , the monarch explained, "they are known in local parlance as  atori, ogbagbayobo, akoko, and so forth"
At the time of visit there were kolanuts,, animal skulls and other sacrificial materials under the over 400years old trees.



                        MY LIFE STORY
The royal father who was once a tailor , plumber and musician  narrated how he became a King. He said  he  had once been told at the age of 20 that he would become a king in his lifetime .   "I was born in  June , 1934 and  it had been predicted since 1954  that I  would become an Oba  and also a Church leader   but I never believed it because the two were believed to be opposite .Aside that I  was once a tailor, a plumber, and a musician .I had been told in my dream that  I would work for  the Lord and if I disobey   I would always be sick ''. The old man added that  ''three or four people told me   they saw a crown and feather on my head  but I never believed it since I am an Aladura until years after when  all these  came to pass".

The royal father continued his story ''My father died in 1977, and the mantle of assistance fell on me , and in order not to leave the palace alone without anybody  I was asked to be there temporary and be  assisting   for six years after  his  death  since we don't have  an Adele or Regent here like some other neighboring towns so therefore  whoever is assisting becomes  Adele until I became the real king .
'' Infact  became Baba Aladura in 2002 .They installed me as a royal father of this community and I ascended the throne in  1992. I have spent 27years on the throne'' .


Sunday 10 March 2019

Remembering Bishop Fadeyi

              'Bishop' Bode with his Bible during the interview
          ......Went into trance for 21 days
             ........ Rejected chieftaincy title
          ........Did not mix juju with his faith
            .......Performed miracles

    One of his  children,Bode spoke with this reporter in America

   In the compound of St. Moses Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Owo is the  grave of this great man of God , Archbishop Samuel Aderinsoye Fadeyi  resting  peacefully  and waiting for the trumpet to sound and wake up on the day of resurrection.
He was a man of God who distinguished himself .He was  respected and honored. He was given many awards in his life time and bagged his doctorate degree in Theology.
                In the  beginning
   In 1930  a baby boy was born into the  Ojumu royal family , Owo. .Before he was born it had been predicted that the child  would be a pencil ,and a tool in the hand of God like the Biblical Samuel.

     According to history  when he was born  there was a  change of weather and  many who were around saw mysteries and glory around him.The  baby who later became God's instrument  was Fadeyi who later grew up in the Lord like the Biblical Samuel and walked in the Lord to become a  an Archbishop in the Aladura Kingdom .
              FELL   INTO TRANCE
   According to history , the late  Fadeyi's father was a peasant farmer  and while the young Fadeyi always go to the farm to assist his father  until  one day, according to Bode, one of his children  said  ''At the age of 16 while   my father was  coming back from  his father's  farm , he was struck  and the Holy Spirit catapulted him through the window and  he fell into  trance for 21 days . After that  trance he came out and waxed stronger in the Lord''. 
 Stories abound  about his prophetic   predictions that  always came to pass and this made  his name to  become a household name not only in Owo but in Ondo Province [ now Ondo State] as a whole. He performed miracles and prayed for the sick, barren and what have you , infact his contribution to the Aladura was great.

Armed with  the Holy Bible, the man, Bode who lives in  St. Louis , Missouri,America and following his father's footstep in Gospel does not joke with the words of God , he   said '' I am the last born of the late Archbishop   Aderinsoye  Samuel Fadeyi. I fervently believe in God and the coming back of Jesus Christ.

He continued '' My father left behind a wife and children when  he passed away on Feb 10, 2015 at the age of 85 . He was buried in May 9, 2016 at the church premises''.
Talking of marking his remembrance , the dutiful son of the late Man of God said '' We mark his remembrance every year .In Nigeria it was marked and also in  America here in every 10th of February every year  and we have just marked the fourth year of his remembrance''.
          FOUNDER OF C and S
According to Bode, his father was the founder of   St Moses Cherubim and Seraphim, Owo      ''but after the demise of our father the mantle of leadership of the church fell on my brother who is  now in  charge  and steering the ship of the Church , the name of my that brother   is Tubosun Fadeyi''
Bode is proud of his late  father for his consistency  and said his  late father was a good Christian to the core and never mixed his Christian Bishop tittle  with any traditional tittle , he said ''my late father  was the second in Command to the Olowo of Owo as the traditional title of the town is concerned , he was from the Ojumu Royal House, the title which is next to Olowo of Owo''. Asked why his father  did not become the Ojumu, Bode replied '' Oh, he rejected the offer and said he wanted to serve God      
''While some  Bishops or men of God attached traditional  titles to  their names   Bishop Fadeyi refused to accept the offer '',   Bode emphasized. said Bode ''  my father  was from Ojumu family and was called to come and take the tittle but trust my father , he rejected it

                    HE SERVED THE LORD
 While some men of God would boast of having friends and connections in social circle my late father was a principled man said Bode , he added  ''my father  was a principled man who did not have friends in social circle except among the Clerics where the words of God is their watchword, and pointer'',  Bode continued      '' my father  had few friends and most of his friends  are dead among them were the late Bishop Famakinwa , Lawyer Adebiyi Ajayi, and few others . He didn't have a lot of friends, most of the time he was always in the church doing God's work , attending to people, praying  for them and  worshiping''    .

      Jide Tububo  who had lived all his years in Owo  said '' Bishop Fadeyi was a reputable spiritual Pastor and Prophet of note''.
Michael Abiodun described the late Bishop as one of the highly respectable Bishop in Ondo state , '' he was a kind man apart from  his spiritual work , he was a very nice man as I remember one of his children assisted Owo  indigenes when he was a Personnel Manager of many companies, Bishop  left a good legacy behind for the children'',

        Olawande Lawrence Asojo described the late Bishop  as a real man of God, he said '' I never met him in person , I  went to the same school with one of his children, Bode who showed that he was well trained and what I heard about his late father is encouraging .He was an epitome of good character and honesty''.
           An old man who begged for anonymity said '' I remember this Bishop all the time because he was good to me. When I was sick , he prayed for me and I was healed''. 

Arcbishop Fadeyi's memory lingers on.
In St.Louis , Missouri , Bode is also called  ''Bishop'' as he goes out with his Bible always and active  in church activities.
Adieu Bishop Fadeyi.

Friday 8 March 2019

congratulatory messages to High Chief Niran Osuporu

The second  coronation  anniversary  of  High Chief Olawale Olaniran Osuporu  has  come and gone . These are  those who sent wishes and congratulatory messages to him.
Rotimi Osuporu wrote : Congratulations to my own High Chief Osuporu of Owo Kingdom  who took over  Mother's breast from my immediate younger brother on the 2nd anniversary of his installation .You will have long reign in peace and prosperity IJMN (amen). Dr. Olayiwola Olagbegi wrote : Congratulations Chief

Olunaun of Unaun Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde  said : this is a man of wisdom , witty , understanding and  a man of  good  character of high repute.Congratulations on your second anniversary . Wa sumodon yo yeye o.
 Morenike Ogunseitan  Famulagun  said : You have been greatly nice ,  we all love you , you are a very humble man. Emi e a gun bi sokoto, Wa dagba, wa darugbo oloja.
Traditional Head Chief Adeniyi Kehinde Niyi  (the Olopu of Opu , Owo kingdom) says: High  Chief, May your reign be long, Mo kin ghen o , Wa bologho je pe o, wa pe ori  oye bare o, Ogho ni baje. We ni subu o. Eminale Ogho a gbe o.
Hammed Akinsemoyin says:  greater is thy Lord for His mercy endureth  forever.May heavenly father elongated your life to rule your tenure to place Owo in the levels of advocacy.Congratulations , rule till thy Kingdom come
 Caroline Olupitan wrote :Congratulations 
Ayo Phillips wrote:Congratulations my Able Royal Father .May you live long in your ancestral throne .May you deliver dividends to your people that would leave landmark legacies in their long time memory bank.May Oodua your progenitor support you in your heart desires.
Chief Adeniyi Adewole : Congrats oma segensegen oma ye ma 
Jide Tububo says :My High Chief , I respect you for your sense of maturity , you always discuss  intellectually .Your humility  is high. U will live longer than your forefathers
Arogundade Niyi wrote: Congratulations on this anniversary .Long may you reign .
 Chief Oloja , Owo, Gboyega Aruwajoye wrote :My  chief Congratulations
Julius Akinwale wrote: This is the man that fits the exalted position  for this time  for he has demonstrated  a high degree of meekness , cooperation, respect and modesty among his people and contemporary regardless this powerful post, my wish for him is that ''A yan pe , a bo Ogwa je pe''
Arch.Tunde Imolehin saluted: Congratulations High Chief
  Oshofen Adedapo Suleimon wrote : Congrats, more blessings

 Tijani Rafiu Adeleye wrote : Congratulations to you Chief
Toyin Ajegunmo wrote: High Chief Congratulations
Olowofela Olaniran Idowu wrote Long May you reign Chief
Ogunbadejo Rachael  wrote: May you live to celebrate more in Jesus name
Adedolapo Folorunsho wrote: Congratulations .May your reign be long .
Lola Oyedero wrote :Congratulations Agheru , Ogho  kosunbu .Your tenure shall be peaceful my brother , you will not be taken in the midst of your days.
Oluyemi Kofo Ologunoye  wrote : Congratulations  to you and your family today
Helen Adebayo wrote : Congratulations
 Grace Ogbesusi-Timilehin  wrote: CONGRATULATIONS 
Olumuyiwa Ajasin wrote: Congratulations you my brother  you will live more than you forefathers
Olatunde  Victoria  wrote: Oku ooo bami lowo .Congratulations
Okoro Muniru  wrote : Congratulations , long may you reign 

Edward Olufemi Mobee wrote: Congrats Chief
Olayinka Olatunji wrote: Congratulations my High Chief
Bayode Kehinde wrote: Congratulations my brother , long may you reign
Abiola Adebayo wrote: Congratulations 
Rotimi Adedeji :Congratulations  and Happy Anniversary  of a well deserved High Chief  God will continue to strenghten you and prosper all that concern you in Jeus Christ name Amen and Amen!
Benjamin Fadeyi  wrote: Congrats
Pius Ojo Omoniyi wrote :Congratulations High Chief  Happiiii Anifaasriii
Omolayo Yomi  shouted :Congratulations High Chief
Adebayo Mk Badmus  wroteHappy 2years anniversary  Chief , may you reign more than your forefathers
Evangelist Debo Sawa Adejumo  wrote :Congratulations Chief , may you reign  long IJN 
Kehinde  Victoria wrote :Congratulations 
Ayodeji Ademulegun wrote: Congratulations sir
Casca Babaeko  wrote: Congratulations 
Tunde Olugboroko wrote: Congrats Chief  from d blessed but loyal Osuporu Chieftaincy family 
Iyabo Ajayi  wrote: Congratulations 
Ronke Adurogboye wrote : Congratulations , oye a mori o
Temitope Ojo Utulu Mercy  :Congrats my Chief , long life and happy anniversary
Owolabi Julius wrote: Congratulations High Chief Osuporu wa b'Ologho je pepe
Olusola Abikanlu  wrote: Chief OSuporu , Congratulations on your royal anniversary .May your days be long .Wishing you God's wisdom  and grace to rule
Damilola Olumokunro Akinribido wrote :Congratulations sir
Ayodele Igili :wrote Congratulations   to u I wish u more years of celebration
Musa Selimat Peju  wrote: Congratulations sir , more and more u will not die young in Jesus name ,God bless you sir
Sanni Kayode Shola  wrote :Congratulations  
Ogunleye Johnson, said :Once again, congratulations my dear brother 
Ebenezer Ogunmola  says: Congratulations . I wish you many more years  of celebration
Adetula  Morenikeji  Easyon saluted  :Congratulations , U will reign  more on ours fore father's throne
Isaiah Osukporu said: Wishing you  happy anniversary celebration , may the Lord grant you more years of good health  and abundance  of wisdom .Ke pe lorioye
Saliu  Kazeem  wrote: God Almighty  will give u more grace to live on the throne
Prince Sodiq Adetunji said : All glory to Almighty  God . May you live long , life  in happiness  and glory with your all family
Asaniyan Isaac Taiwo : says Glory be to God in the highest .May you live long in happiness , joy and grace of thy Lord. Congratulations
Oladimeji Ojo Tapere says:  Happy anniversary , igba odun , odun kan
Jojo Abiodun Badejo says : Congratulations sir
Princess Afolabi Oseni  Samson:  Congratulations  Baba Oloye 

Blessing Aina  shouted : Congratulations  sir
Oluwole Emmanuel Ogunmolasuyi  said : Amen .Congratulation chief 
Opeyemi Omojowo  shouted :Congratulations  my blood
Olajire Sule shouted: Congratulations  o Chief 
Abulatan Oluwaseun  Alaba  wrote :Congratulations sir
Oladunke Joseph Olabode says : congratulations  to you Baba and  happy celebration , wa je ju iba eee

Esther Olakiitan  Fayemiwo  :Congratulations, long life and prosperity

Temi A Osuporu  says: Olori Ebi, waa gbo, waa to o. Congratulation
Yemisi Agbaminoja says: E ku orire e je pe
Grace Obanosa Itua says: Congratulations .More years to celebrate in good health in Jesus name
Aladekoba Dapo says: Congrats sir
Ojotu Oladipo Lukatech: says Congratulation sir
Shola Aruwajoye says : congratulations 
Osuporu  Helen Oluwaseyi says:  More wins  to U Daddy....Congratulations 
Olorunsomo Wale greeted :Congratulations
Adesola Ademulegun Sadibo says : Congratulations , many years  to come  in wisdom  and good health . Wa b'Ologho je peeeee o Agheru
 Asubiojo Oladipo Joseph says : Congratulations .long live and prosperous years ahead.
Chrsitianah Okundalaiye -Adeniyi says :Congratulations sir
Fatoki Kofoworola  says: U will live long sir 
Idowu Ademola says :E ku orire. Emi gigun orun a da yin lola  aga oye ko ni ye mo yin nidi loruko Jesu
Kehinde Alasi says :Congratulations sir, more years to come in good health sir
Taiwo Dupe wrote Agheru:  Owo wa pe laye ooo baba
Kofo Aderibigbe says: Glory be to God , congratulations  High Chief
Olasege Abulatan wrote :Congratulations .D grace  of God will be sufficent for u IJMN AMEN,Aheru Ogho ko su bu okan to ugba hun ise .God bless U on the throne .Amen
Olabisi Oyeneye says: Congratulations, you will stay long on the throne with sound health  and peaceful life .Wa pe aye juu 'Ba e o
Ciddy Aderibigbe Dahunsi shoutedCongratulations  High Chief Oshuporu .Wa pe ghin wa
Rev. Canon Sunday Fasaanu wrote : Congratulations 
Sandra Adebowale wrote : Congratulations sir, more years of greatness testimonies upliftment  fulfilment  in Jesus name
Tunde Onibode says: Aje gbo.A je to.
Adeluwoye V Segun says: Congratulations Baba .Ugba odon odon kan
Medinat Apaokagi says: Congratulations 
Adafin Jacob wrote : Emi a se pupo e laye ... Amin

Adenusi Gbenga  M wrote : Longlife to you  Chief  , father God will guide you and your family 
Owatowose Dipo wrote: Congratulations sir, long life
Yinka Aruwajoye  wrote : Congratulations chief , many more celebrations IJN AMEN
Babatunde Olaposi wroteWa pe lori Oye Baba re  pelu alafia  atemi gigun

Idowu Ashara wrote : More reigning in Jesus mighty name
Olumide Akinola wrote :Congratulations 
Stella Olayemi Obagade  wrote: Congratulation, happy anniversary 
Oladipo Omoloja   wrote :Congratulations 
 Olaitan Olagbegi  Aladewolu wrote Congratulations 
Victoria Daramola  wrote :Congratulations o Chief .You will rule  more than your ancestors in Jesus 
Simbi Ajagunna Thomas wrote: Congratulations my chief , wa gbo wa too 
Osuporu Oluwakemi Dorcas Rotimi wrote : Long life and prosperity IJN
Olawale Anoma  wrote :Congratulations 2 you Baba Chief 
Omoloja Biliki  Olanireti Sule  wrote : Congratulations to you and your family sir
Bimbo Idowu Alabi : Congrats sir
Alhaji Afunso  Isiaka  Babatunde : Congratulations sir
Bukola Akinmade Onibode : Congratulations
Ayo Oladele Folarin Osuporu : Oye amori o, waa gbo waa to
Mhamud Suwebat :Oye a mori o
Oyedeji Peter Charles  :More life sir
Olajumoke Olasehinde : Congrats , Emi re agun wa je ju awon asaju re lo  
Modesola Ojomo : Congratulations sir
Alh Gafaru :Congratulations
Jumoke Obajide :Oye a mori , igba odun odun kan ni , oke baba oke
Ebun Magbagbeola:  Congratulations 
Obateru -Olagbegi  Olumide wrote: More fruitful years ahead
Yekeen Ajanaku says: Congrats ore
Dare Olanitori says :Wa gbo wato wa jeju bae
Fadeyi Olu  says: Congratulations  my dear  brother , wish you more successful life ahead of you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen
Bamidele Munirat Yusuf  says: Congratulations chief  u will celebrate more n more  in good health with sufficient grace

Taiwo Samah wrote: JA
Obagboye Florence wrote :Congratulations , Igba odun, odun kan, a je gbo, a je gbo to o
Adedugba Omolola  Congratulations 
Helen Omotuyi wrote: Congratulations High Chief , Wa rehin odi o, wa pepe lori oye Baba ready o.Aheru , ogokosubu , omuliroro Bi owu, wahi Mi, From Ajufuwa Family in is up or u , OWO
Deji Aseniserare: Congratulations Chief.You shall live to celebrate many  more in the land of the living .
Ogunoye Segun wrote : High Chief , congratulations  and I wish you more celebrations /anniversary in life
Alajawo Folasade Ogunjimi wrote : CONGRATULATION CHIEF
Deaconess Ojo VT wrote Congratulations Baba wa kowa pe Loruko Jesu[amin]
Ayodeji Akeredolu wrote: Happy anniversary my great Partner .May God almighty uphold you with His right hand of righteousness in Jesus name
Oshasona  Damilare Emmanuel wrote: Great, wa bo Olowo je pepe o .Baba o
 Adenike Adeyanju :Congratulations 
Foluso Adebisi wrote :Congratulations  High Chief
Olaposi Olatunde wrote: Congrats , wa b'Ologho je pe
Princess Aderonke Aragun-Ogunoye wrote :Congratulations , may your reign be mark for greatness and sucess in Jesus name
Rotimi Oloye wrote :Congratulations Baba
Obinna Anthony  Njoku wrote:  Congratulations  to you sir
Dunmoye Taiwo says: High Chief Osuporu
Taju Aderibigbe wrote:  Osuporu Agheru , Akiko ila edi kekere  ko , oka to'gbadun ise, Aye a tunbo barajo o Baba , wa dagba, wa dogbo, .Wa mowo piwu , wa meringi jobi. Wa b'Ologho je pepe pepepepepepepepe!
Komolafe Isaac: congratulaitons my Amiable inlaw.may your reign as the Osuporu of  the ancient town of Owo be lengthy , eventful and productive to your people
Catherine Obashoto wrote:  Congratulations  and all glory be to God
Adeorla Jumi says :Congratulations  Agheru Ologho, Ogho  Kosubu , Atomiye  ogwa se.Wa je ju ba e loo oooo.Tu wa b'Ologho je pe pe peeeeeee

Makun George says :Congratulations sir
Prestige Royal Hall wrote: Congratulations to you 
Osun Kayode wrote Agheru
 Lobo Agaun wrote  :Happy birthday sir
Ayodele Monday wrote: High Chief  congrats
Olajiire Sule wrote: Congratulations o Chief
Opeyemi Omojowo wrote: Congratulations my blood       
Abulatan Oluwaseun Alaba wrote:  Congratulations sir
Oladunke Joseph Olabode wrote :Congratulations to you baba and happy celebration  , wa je ju iba eee
Lawal Yahya  wrote :Agheru Ologho Ogho Kosubu Congratulations  you will live longer than your predecessors 
James Oloruntobi Olukoju wrote :Congrats a million
 Modupe Caoline Adewale wrote :Congrats chief , I wish you more prosperous years on earth, wa b'Ologho je pe
Geebee Falaye says :Congratulations sir. we are proud of you 
Olanimole Olateru -Olagbegi :  Congratulations
Bolanle Olayinka says :COngratulations my brother 
Mary Oluwalana says :Congratulations sir
Obasuyi Idowu wrote :  Bami wa b'Ologho je pepepe lagbara Oloun we ni ku somade , wa dagba wa dari gbo bami Agbheru Ogho ko subu oka to gbaun se amuli roro bi oowo
 Rita Ronke Okwagbe says: wa jeepe o

Obalosa Dele Louis says: Congratulations and happy celebration , may Almighty God continue to strenghten and uphold you  and answer all your heart desires
Olugbenga  Awolumate : Chief osuporu of Owo land , I congratulate you my pal.Waa gbo, waa to.Wa pepetipe lori oye  ju awon Baba Baba re lo.Wa si feringi jobi.Obodo pafupafupafu.......Chief pemit me to call you the appellistic  name I use to call you  ........Niiiiiiiirraaannmeeeeh!!!
Idahosa Evelyn :Congratulations 
Pee Cee says: the Lord will continue to support u 
Obasusi Raymond Oluwasola said :Congratulation s
Oladimeji Temitope said: Agheru Ologho, tuwa b'Ologho je pe pe pe o bami
AdetiJesu Rufus Oladipo  said: Congratulations High High Chief .May God grant you long life , sound health and wissom,to be on the stool of your forefathers, amen
Obabiire Sadiq said: Happy celebration Agheru , oshun y'oo poru,wa GBo, Wa to,wa mu erinkin jobi
Fasahanu Kayode : More more years to reign  my High Chief  in good health IJN Amen
Bayode Osakunrin :Congratulations 
Akinyemi Monisola:  Congratulations BABA
Ademola Atitebi :Congratulations
Papy Gold :Ahgeru  Olowo , tuwa je ju iba re oooo Congratulations
Eniola Fatai : Congratulations 
Isiaka Adesina Kareem: congratulations
 Niran Abitogun Oye a mori o
Adeola Fagbayibo : CONGRATULATIONS   and Happy anniversary
Ogunyase Olayemi : Congratulations Baba Ahgheru 
Awani Debo :My High Chief . oye a mori o
Olanike Osuporu Adegboye : Agheru Ologho , tu wa b'Ologho jepee Congrats sir
Eniola Adams Fidelity:  I heartily felicitate with you sir
Oloye Joseph Olusola:  Congratulations my dear brother on your 2nd year anniversary  of your installation as ''Asuporu''.Wa pe bi ewe ape. Wa dagba beene wa daigbo Oloja. Wa ba Ologho je pee. Aaaaaaaaaseeee . Emunale Ogho fo bee.
Owasanoye  Babatunde : Happy celebration  my High chief , may you live long to witness many years on the throne in Jesus name.
Bobo T, T Bobo, Babalawo of the Nation (BoN)
For the Mgt. 

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher.  He says his Community is surroun ded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Ab...