Tuesday 28 May 2019

we have 32 Courtyards



                      .......... 32 Courtyards in Osuporu's compound
                        .......We have a  forbidden room for women
             .........I'm grateful to Olowo of Owo &Osuporu family 
            ......I was in  spiritual incubation for nine days
  1.  .   

       From his neck up to the  face are  covered with coral beads,  only his eyes  are  visible. Attached on his royal cap and  Orunfanran traditional clothe  are   different types of  carvings of  artworks made from ivory. His dressing exhibits his unique and class of the  traditional tittle he holds.
    Aside from his dressing , the royal house of the traditional tittle holder sends the message to passers- bye that the house is house of culture as  the  front view of  the Osuporu royal  house is designed with historical  art works .The  courtyard is  adorned with  different types and sizes  of ancient historical statues  with stories  woven around them . The building  has  become  Historical House where students , Historians and Curators visit for more  research and knowledge .

                  HOW I BECAME A CHIEF
The soft spoken High Chief said ''after  the demise of the late Osuporu, the Olowo of Owo who is the HIM Oba (Dr) David Victor Folagbade Olateru-Olagbegi III asked the Osuporu  family to present  a suitable candidate for the esteemed position , and the family  unanimously picked me  and I  was presented to the royal father as the new Chief .No complain, no threat, no criticism and no  rancour .I was presented to the Olowo of Owo as the  sole candidate by the family  and was accepted ''.

                        I PERFORMED MY RITES
 The Chief who is a staunch Christian  affirmed that he performed all the necessary rites according to Owo  tradition and custom. He  said '' I observed all the necessary rites before I  assumed the full authority of the exalted  position'' , he explained further  ,"I was immediately restricted  to the official  royal family house. I wore  my traditional white dress and proceeded to Irogho Olisagho in continuation of the rites''.
Other rites he performed according to him  are :   he was in spiritual incubation for nine days and observed the normal  rites in accordance to tradition and follow  his forefather's footsteps. When asked how, he responded   "I was in  the house for nine days , herein I abstained from eating leftover soup  and had to eat fresh soup  daily, not only this, I was also warned   to abstain from women, as part of the compulsory rites'' .
 On what he was eating at that time, the Chief  said, he was eating food but must not partake in leftover food, he said '' my favorite food was pounded yam''.

                         MY POSITION IN  OWO
   Asked  the position of the  Osuporu family  in Owo, the High Chief with total humility  said “I know my position is among the 10 positions of the High Chiefs in Owo'', was simply his response. and he added ''I was installed on the 16th of February 2017 by the glory of God'

        Osuporu's  mode of dressing is one of the most unique  and incomparable in the ancient town as he is the only Chief that has the authority to put it on .He wore a beaded cap, covering his face  and his neck too with  expensive coral beads,  he said " this type of bead is worn only  by the  Osuporu tittle holder  in Owo Kingdom and nobody wears  it in the whole Yorubaland'', adding  ''the  clothe I am wearing is called Orunfanran, which is associated with the title'' .                       .

     Asked to talk about the  carvings and other artworks in the royal house , the Master degree holder in Sociology defended it and said '' statues  here are  associated with what we have in the ancient houses , you  can  find these in some   houses in Owo , as it is not peculiar to this place alone'.

 The man who is a staunch Christian and  a traditionalist with roles to play in Owo Cultural activities  said the two roles are very important and  does  not mean contradiction , being a traditional tittle holder and practitioner of Culture does not contradict my belief, he said '' I am a Christian , and we all worship the same God , its your faith that matters'', he counseled. 

                   THE   MEANING  OF  OSUPORU    
Meaning of Osuporu
He said , the meaning is that the month was derived from the story. It was said that there was famine in Owo land, and it was only Osuporu that made food available for the  entire Owo people. Osu  means 'month', he however promised to speak more on it later.
   Osuporu royal house is one of the most beautiful royal houses in Owo , with the new Chief , the building is being repaired and reconstructed daily with new designs to befit the tittle and of course for the lovers of arts  and researchers to visit which they believe is an archive for Historians . Looking at the building one could see the beautiful  art works of different types welcoming visitors. The High Chief without mincing words declared ''We have 32 courtyards in this compound  and there is a forbidden room  a woman should not enter , and if she defiles it then ...'' asked what would happen to the woman ,the  man answered '' no woman has ever  entered or defied the rule so I  don't know what would happen''.

Friday 17 May 2019

Letter to His Imperial Majesty DVF Olateru-Olagbegi III



My Dearest Kabiyesi,
            I am writing this letter  in tears because this was not our discussion. Ha, Kabiyesi  we spoke   and infact I also spoke with your  Olori Yeyesa Ololade  on that  Sunday evening , two days to your departure  to the land of no return until I was told on phone that you have  joined your ancestors on Tuesday. I was shocked to my bone marrow. I was  devastated and almost fainted .I could not eat for  three days. Why? because you did not bid me goodbye and did not allow me to say  farewell to you.
    Ahh, I forgot to tell you that I received calls from Texas, New York, United Kingdom commiserating with me on your passage.They called me to confirm whether it was true that you had joined your ancestors, and when I called your number several times  to confirm  , it was switched off.Then I screamed '' Ah Kabiyesi is gone''. But I still thank God that you didn't pass on in a foreign land but in the palace as a king!. This is  more honourable .What else?. Ka saaa ma dupe.
  Do you know that the market has been relocated while the trees were felled to inform the people that you have joined your ancestors?. 
 I know that by now  you must have gone far.Yes, you must have crossed the seven heavens according to  an African Philosopher who wrote on  Immortality of the Soul and the Theory of Seven Heavens: Orun Kere, Orun Kere, Orun Oluwonronjiwon, Orun Akaso etc but I believe you are in good heaven . 
    Kabiyesi did you read Plato's Republic on Immortality of the Soul where  Socrates said the soul is immortal  and there is afterlife. And the Christians believe  you are in Paradise where there is no pain, no weeping and no gnashing of teeth, no night there. They also believe we will meet at feet of Jesus Christ,we will  meet by the riverside and on the Resurrection Day!.
    I hope  all is well in the Ugha Moron  Courtyard where you are sleeping peacefully   with  your ancestors?. And remember Leonardo da Vinci's words ''As a  well spent day brings happy sleep so life well used brings happy death ''.
    So I will no longer see you again   except only in  my dreams?. Kabiyesi let me brief   you what had happened after your exit. 


   By now you will know those who genuinely loved you. Do you know your death shook Owo, Ondo State and Nigeria at large? Infact I was told that BBC and CNN carried your stories , local newspapers and online media wrote a lot about you.  Kabiyesi did you read the Tribute I wrote for you? it was published  in your favourite newspaper, The Nation https://thenationonlineng.net/olowo-tribute-to-a-gentleman-oba/ where I wrote that  I would have loved to go with you as you journeyed along , and that I would have loved  to be  an abobaku  but civilization does not permit that  any longer.Trust me, I would have surrendered myself and go with my 'father'.
   Do you remember I told you to celebrate your 20th Coronation anniversary and make it elaborate when you said it would be a low key?. Thank God it was  elaborate.You even read some passages from the Bible during the church  service.
    Did I not tell you when you were here that when you are gone you will be more appreciated. Remember?. Now everybody is now singing your praise, showering praises, pouring encomiums  and showering  accolades on you  that you were a nice , humble and peace -loving man. 
Oh Kabiyesi , I remember how you were trying to rebuild the Redeemed Church in the palace, it is still under construction. I will make sure the new Kabiyesi completed it when enthroned. Again , Kabiyesi , somebody was talking yesterday that Owo progressed during your time and was peaceful, another one said na lie,I argued and argued .But when the guy said he would beat me and nothing would happen I kept quiet and said Oloun a dajo (God will judge). 
When they were beating those Oluseepe drums I cried and challenged them to stop it but when reminded that you have gone , I broke down and wept. 
Haa come and see how the Iloros celebrated you. Come and see how the people of Owo honoured and celebrated you. Oloun Oba o, you are very great. Owo mi titi, Ogho shake ooo. Dignitaries poured in especially today, Friday for the final rites to mark your exit.
. Now they are now praising you that you were international Monarch, that you were the first well-read Owo King, and  none was like you .That you were this and that . But I didn't say anything for that   is life.They did it to Jesus Christ as they hailed  him  and crucified  him the next day.

 Do you remember   Pastor Adeboye  popularly  called Daddy GO of The Redeemed Church, I mean your pastor ?,he came to Owo last week  to commiserate with us on your departure.He was at the Palace where he preached, consoled the chiefs and family members and the natives . He even prayed for your departed soul and prayed that another coming king  who would also love God like you did will become a King.

  This weekend all the burial rites for your departed soul will end and the battle for the throne will start. But let me ask you  a question; Kabiyesi should I apply and contest  for the throne since you always called me your ''adopted son?''. If you want me to be there then let me know and  if there is need for me to do  change of name   to one of the ruling houses'  names please let me know too,and  I would argue it out that I am your ''adopted son''. And Kabiyesi I believe there will not be crisis or they should all adopt me and become the King for peace to reign.
   Kabiyesi, your sudden exit shocked us .A fake news went round that there would  be rituals and sacrifices to be observed and many ran helter -skelter but was later debunked . I told them that it was a lie and that you will  never subscribe to that  because you were a staunch Christian.
I believe you went with your Bible , I trust you because you didn't joke with it while here.


    Kabiyesi , what are the qualities  a new king  should possess?. I have been hearing names of those who are aspiring to be.What pained me most is that immediately your exit  some people  started coming up wanting to be King. They don't know how the hot seat is.Remember you told me that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
Kabiyesi please tell me who to support in case they reject my own application .
I know Olori Yeyesa will surely miss you , please don't forget to pray for her o. She stood by you .She was your  pillar of support,and she always make us proud as our Monarch's Olori.
   Kabiyesi, do you remember Diogenes that Cynic Philosopher going about with a lamp  looking for honest man? He went round and round  unfortunately could not find any .So know that honest or truthful person is scarce and as you journeyed along beware of those you might trust over there.

Some people are asking me to write a book on you but I said not now for I am gradually writing my autobiography where your activities and our 15 years relationship  will be told, and the book will be published when I am 150years of age.I will write about you and how powerful you were but not vindictive.    
I would write how that 'guy' that took me to Court failed as you predicted. I would write about how you counseled me about life. Yes oo, I will write about  your jokes.
I know that some of  your Chiefs like Ogwatowose, Olugbade and Olubola will all miss you due to your closeness.I have told them to be strong and that you entered Aja but not dead,for King don't die.
   Yes, I have told many that we will all die one day , I have told death too that he should neither mock nor dread us for we are all coming over there , it is just a matter of time!. Did Ralph Waldo not say it that ''It is not length of life ,but depth of life''.
   I will miss your soft spoken voice  and  your intellectual discussion . I am missing  your smiling face. How I wish you could be reading my blogs over there , but don't forget my two blogs/websites (taiwoabiodun.blogspot.com and taiwoabiodun.com)where you will be reading my  stories. If this year's Igogo festival is held I know Tunde Onibode will surely cover it as he has been covering your exit's events.
 You have joined your ancestors, sleep well .And for those who said  you did little , don't mind them but have solace in the words of David Crockett (1786-1936) who said '' I leave this rule for others when I'm dead , Be always sure you're right -then go ahead ''. You were meticulous and would never rush to conclusion. 
You have played your own part.You were a very peaceful , loving , humble and kind father. Sleep well Kabiyesi.
I know you are looking at us and saying Veni,Vidi Vici ( I came I saw I conquered)
Your adopted son,
Taiwo Abiodun 
Bobo T, T Bobo, Babalawo of the Nation( BoN)

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher.  He says his Community is surroun ded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Ab...