Monday 6 January 2020

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher. 
He says his Community is surrounded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Abiodun on his life and times

 ........... I taught Professor Ibidapo Ogunbadejo in 1953
.......All my classmates have gone 
.......I lost my father in 1955
......I pray to see electricity in Igbe Community before I die 

       He is a man of  average height. He speaks  impeccable English laced with anecdotes and proverbs. At 90 when almost  all his age mates and colleagues are gone , or suffering from old age- related diseases ,or  bent with age or gaunt and pale ,   Pa Ajibuwa  is still robust and  sound both in sight and mind. He is mentally alert   with  good retentive memory as he  could   recollect dates, time and give details of  events  on his finger tips  without looking at his Diary.
At his age  he is still  neat while  his dressing and  appearance is not different from how he was in the 70s- his clothes has no crease. Not only this, he still retains 95percent  of his dentition. He  neither  uses reading glasses  nor   a walking stick to aid his movement .To those who passed through the  thoroughbred, disciplined  and principled teacher  they   respect him and look up to him as a good mentor as he possessed an exemplary character worthy  of emulation . Above all  he is loved for his  sound judgement, loyalty and  love. He is loved by his community members because of his struggle to make sure the town is developed and sees electricity in his lifetime .
  The nonagenarian  lives in his modest bungalow in Igbe where he retired to. Many remember his motorcycle he used to ride in those days. Those who know Pa Ajibuwa said he  deserves an award from the  Ondo State government and Owo Local government for his contribution to humanity. 

  It was a beautiful morning  when this reporter went to the retired teacher's house unannounced. The nonagenarian  held his waist  as he  managed to stand  up, "Oh!, my back!", the old man groaned. He   then  smiled and as he  wobbled along  he cracked his usual joke , " that is the problem of old age , this my back na  wahala o" , he jocularly said . 
Meet  High Chief Alfred Olorunsola Ajibuwa Ajelu  the Akinselure of Igbe land - Iyere , Owo, Ondo state 

He sat comfortably on a wooden bench, looked up ,shook his head  and started the story of his life's journey  " I was a teacher throughout my life .I am retired but not tired .I spent 32 years in service before it ( Ministry of Education) was rationalized by the Ajasin regime (First Civilian regime)because there was no money then to continue paying workers ."
    The old man went down memory lane and said  he finds it difficult to  forget all his Standard School mates in the '40s , according to him, most of them had died  " the late Chief Lawrence Akola, the late Chief Benson Awosusi , the late Madam Caroline Oladoyin Abiodun ( Nee Elerewe), the late Otu Aminu, the late Rabiu Banjo,  Mr. Egunjobi ( still alive) and many others .Many have gone to eternal rest., only myself and Egunjobi in Iyere are still remaining (living) as classmates  from Standard school" .
Pa Ajibuwa described his days in school as unforgettable periods , "I  attended Grade Two Teachers' Training College  in Usi Ekiti,(1957-58) , I was a Sportsman and was  called the Golden  Age of Usi Ekiti then. I also attended Teachers' Grade Two College in Epinmi Akoko and I was a Sports Teacher , in 1959 I was sent to Isua Akoko "

The old man refused to rest despite  his old age , and he said this was due to the passion  he has in the job " due to the interest  I  have for the job , if I have money I will still teach but due to my age I am not  allowed again .After my retirement I taught in Cherubim  and Seraphim  Grammar school, Owo, Christ  Centre Grammar school , Iyere -Owo, and some other schools". He remembered his footprint he left behind " it was one Mr .Akerele the proprietor of Christ  Centre Grammar school , Iyere -Owo, school who begged me to come and teach in Iyere .I taught them English, and I was the one who made them win  an   award in General paper and English Language.
''Out of the first set in the school Sunbo  Akerele  who was the daughter of the proprietor of the school  was nine  years old when she passed the school entrance to Command School, Kaduna. Sunbo was called for an interview but  they said she was too young ,for they  admit from ages of 11 years, but  she came first in English in the whole Federation ,  eventually she was admitted .She came out in flying colours . After that she went to School of Nursing /Midwifery  and she came out well .Today  I am proud of her .May God bless her and be with her.''
 Ask a man who is successful in life  he would tell you the hurdles he passed through to achieve success.  Pa Ajibuwa with emotion narrated his challenges while growing up.
Ajibuwa said   "People always envy me because of my brilliancy , whether good or bad , some hated me yet I achieved what God had wanted me  to  achieve. I came from a very,  very, poor background .I had no older  brother who could advise  me then and nobody to take care of me''
He continued " My father died in 1955, so it was my mother who continued  to labour  on me , she worked day and night to send me to school. I experienced poverty in life , any school I went to I was more or less the poorest in sandals , shoes, clothes yet in brilliance my position was  always in unit , yet I was the best in Geography and History" 
To the old man , scrapping the Teachers Training  College was not the best , he said " it is not good , fairly it is good in one way and in another way it's not good because during the time of  colonial  days when the  Churches were controlling  the schools ,you know people    were morally trained by that time than now . Now they don't  recruit  teachers for  Christian Religious subject but only the Muslim , they will allocate teachers   to teach Islamism in the schools  but ...I advised that Christianity  , knowing God  before money , all these should be taught , how to praise God , how to worship God  and how to do the right thing at the right time , if CRK is still  taught now there will be no issue of stealing of money , politicians  are chopping but not building the nation , they are not building the nation but chopping the nation, they are money-minded people  but if they avoid this and teach CRK in schools  and let Christianity reign  in our schools things would augur well.''
He continued " In Christian schools all were taught on  how to worship God, behave etc. politicians who are chopping ..they are not building the nation but chopping the nation, they are money-minded people  but if they ... things would augur well but today what do we see? money -minded , searching for money and politics "
    Asked whether he has any regret of his profession, but the old man shook head several times and said "No. Not at all. I do not regret it. If  I reincarnate  I will be a teacher again  because teaching profession is a profession where we build both the  body and the  soul . I am enjoying the reward of the profession now because many of the  pupils  I have taught  ...(raised his voice and fingers ) I taught in many , many schools always recognize and and give me respect . Whenever I meet anyone of them.... I don't know them again but they would introduce themselves  that 'You were my teacher in place, some would give me five thousand , some would give me two thousand naira even some would kneel down in the presence of people . The most honorable is the respect they always give me as they would  prostrate  for me anytime we meet" .
He gave an example " I was in the University of Ife  for a Course  ( now Obafemi Awolowo University ) between 1976 and 1977  session , one boy I taught at Iyere , Ibidapo Ogunbadejo , he saw me at Ife ( OAU) , he had  become a professor and now  retired,  he was proud to introduce me to his colleagues that I was once his teacher and  they took me highly and were looking at me highly .He introduced me to his co-lecturers  that 'this is my teacher in the year 1953 at Iyere St.John's School' They  respected and honoured me throughout my study at ' University of  Ife, that is the work of a good teacher so  I pray that if I come next time I would become  a teacher.''

              MY CHILDREN
   The  joy of a teacher is to see his  own children's success, Ajibuwa is happy to be among teachers who taught other successful children and his own children are today successful. When asked whether any of his children took after him , the old man screamed '' yaaaaah, they are teaching! ''.
 Like father like children , Ajibuwa's children took  after their father , he is happy that this is happening in his lifetime. Counting them on his fingertips he said  " Yes, some of my children took after my job like my  first daughter  Temidayo Ajibuwa  now Mrs. Temidayo  Akinsuyi is a teacher , she went to College of Education then proceeded to Michael Adekunle Ajasin University , Akungba , she is a teacher in one of the Grammar schools in Ondo state . Another one is in Overseas , he  is Idowu Ajibuwa , he read Petroleum Engineering , and  made a distinction .Where there is no work here his senior brother called him  and he is abroad as a lecturer in the University there''.
Still counting , " My first son who is a teacher too  is a pastor in The Redeemed Church of God , he is a teacher, he got some  degrees in overseas there . About two or three of my children are teaching and   I pray for their children  too  to would teach because I prefer teaching to other works ".
   Pa Ajibuwa is a sad man, not because he has no money or food to eat   and he gave the reason , " There are many problems  facing Igbe  I will only discuss few , one, we have   external enemy who will never pray for the success of the community  but will pray for themselves alone and wanted to make  Igbe  their  slaves for ever. Two, we Igbe people we do not have  much love among ourselves , had it been there is love and unity Igbe could have developed   more than this. 'This is my father's land, this is my mother's land' , selfishness and taking everything into their own purse without considering their community is rampant here.Three, shall I say that unless  we pray   and continue to pray, when we continue to pray to our Almighty God  am sure things would change  ", he added.
   The High Chief is sad  that cable wires meant for the electrification for the community are lying fallow and wasting !. He is sad that the whole village has been in the dark for  ages.He is sad that while others are  switching on light his community members are still using oil lamps!. 
On  the efforts to make sure there is light he said  "The first one was started by Agagu , we voluntarily chose people to  dig the holes , the electrification was given to them   from Abuja , and our youths and Chiefs contributed full for them helping them to dig the holes yet the thing died down like that . Then during the time of  Mimiko  we  tried in our communal labour without getting money from them yet some  of the external enemies  did not want the work to succeed  , and we know them  but I am sorry I can't mention their names  but God knows them better .It was external enemy that was confronting Igbe and I am sure sooner or later God will take control.''
  Pa Ajibuwa is proud to say  that  the present Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu (SAN)  is from Igbe Community , he said ''Pa Akeredolu who gave birth to Reverend  Akeredolu and Reverend Akeredolu gave birth to Arákùnrin  Odunayo Oluwarotimi Akeredolu  the present governor , so the great grand father of the mother of Aketi was born here in Igbe. Secondly, Governor Akeredolu is my in -law for I married from his extended family and  then when he was at the University of Ife reading Law I was at the University there doing my Associate  Diploma in Education ,so we know each other .He knows me very well and he is a good  man ,very dynamic and a  trustworthy person . whatever he says he must act on it and  he is  always factual ".

Asked his wish before he leaves this planet world . The old man spoke like the Biblical Zachariah who  prayed   to witness the birth of  Jesus Christ before he dies said " I'm now 87 years , if I can see the electricity light and we are taken from darkness to lightness  I shall be very grateful to God . I will glorify God .I will sing God's glory .  I will go to  church  to  thank God and rejoice  because my days are numbered on the earth .I told some of the people yesterday who came to talk about this  electricity supply   the same thing . Very many people who were anxious to see it have gone (dead) so if I can see it before I die , and if ever we met in heaven I will tell them that we have been supplied the electricity. So,I am praying fervently , sooner or later , quickest Igbe will be electrified''. 

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher.  He says his Community is surroun ded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Ab...