Wednesday 16 January 2019

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mysterious Sunday yokoyoko
Since 1970 this man has been living a strange   life, he now needs help. Taiwo Abiodun   writes
Now at over 50 ,he had  never had sex with any woman not to talk of having a child  he can  call his own .Some believed he must have been cursed while some said he  had a psychological problem yet many thought he must have lost his sanity , that is the story
of  Sunday Olounda who is popularly known as Sunday yokoyoko.
For Sunday Olounda, 50, life has not been easy for him as he has become a nuisance in his area and wherever he goes  or lives. He has become an embarrassment to himself and his family members. In  Mafoluku -Oshodi ,  he  is known and popularly called  Sunday yokoyoko(Sunday who brings out his genital) .
Though he is said to be sane , while some doubt his insanity others believe his problem is spiritual .His  problem : he leaves his house early in the morning and goes to the  public places where many  people are gathered like motor parks, Bus stops, classrooms , bring out his  genital and then would start masturbating until he is satisfied and releases spermatozoa.
Olounda a native  of Omuo, Akoko in Ondo state said he had never had sex in his life time and  is always afraid to do it. According to him, his problem started  in 1970  when he was  nine years old. His words’’ I dreamt that I was naked   in the public and people were watching me to my own satisfaction. Immediately I woke up   my head became hot, and I felt body itching, felt  dizzy and  with a severe headache. In the morning before the sun  rose I started vomiting   but in the afternoon  I  was  okay. Later what happened to me in my dream manifested in the real world as I started practising it  since 1970 .I would go to the public place and if I see any woman  carrying   a baby on her back I would feel like  going naked  just  for  to glance at my nakedness, then I would  start  masturbating in her presence .I would not rape her but would like her to see my genital.I asked some men like me whether they feel the same way but I am surprised as  they   said no.
Olounda does not have  a girlfriend  and had never had one. He swore   that he  had never had  any sexual intercourse with a woman in his life .’’The day, 1982 when  I would have done and have   the experience  was when my people gave me money  to convince them that   I could have sex with a woman  and then asked me to go and try some prostitutes in my town.  When I got there   I bargained with a prostitute , she agreed and then  went  naked, she   asked me to lie on her but I told her that I was afraid and asked her to play with  my genital of which she did  and I was  relieved. Another time was of recent ,  few  weeks ago  when I went to  meet  a prostitute at Isolo , after paying her I was afraid to go into her in the room and I told her to hold on to my genital until I was okay. I was afraid to insert my genital and go  into her.’’ .
‘’If I see any woman I would be moved and have erection  and would only want   her   to see my  nakedness , the worst thing is if I see a woman with a baby on her back I  could be licking the girdle  , then I would be satisfied
Olourunda left Omuo Oke Grammar school in 1981 without completing his secondary education because of this problem. He  was caught in the act many times and was later  expelled  from  school  and advised to go and find  solution to his problem before returning  to the school, he told this reporter/
On the efforts his parents made to find solutions  to his problem, Olounda said ’’they went to  a lot of  places .My parents took me to a herbalist in   Iyara town in  Kwara state, it is on the way to Kabba.  I was given  some concoction to drink and bath with the belief that   if  the  problem is man- made or  was a curse laced on me  it would go away .But when there was no change , he took me to another herbalist who again  tried  in his  own little way , he took  me to the riverside for spiritual  bath yet nothing good came out it
He continued’’ I was taken to a Blacksmith who prepared  concoction for me  but all yielded no result. I went to Okene  to meet one Ohinen Salami, where I was asked to bring dogs .My head was shaved and I bled  and was told that the blood was the bad ones that was disturbing me , they later rubbed  my  head with  an  ointment that peppered my head so much that I almost fainted. Yet nothing happened.’’.
When the above solutions failed  ,  Olounda now faced church where he believed he would  receive  miracle, ’’I went to CAC churches in Lagos, Ikoyi in Ibadan, Kwara and was  even advised to see Pastor Obadare.’’
He continued ‘’At Ketu  in Obadare   Church, I was chained on legs in order to  observe the three day dry fasting and   chaining me  down would  not  make me go out to  go out and eat and break the fast .I observed the three day fasting, chained down. I spent six months in the church yet no solution   to the problem.
‘’I have gone to many hospitals like the ARO Mental  hospital  and University Teaching hospital , I did medical tests, given some drugs .In fact , some of the medical personnel accused me of coming to the hospital because treatment was free, yet nothing  was found wrong with me.’’, he said .
After leaving the hospital  without any success , Olounda did not stop going to churches believing that he would get a cure one day  and thus started going to various churches like Deeper Life, Celestial ,Cherubim and Seraphim  but did not receive healing .’’In spite all these , I  keep on doing what brought me there and no healing’’, he lamented.
When Madam Agnes Obaniwa , 58, who is the  elder sister to Olounda was contacted , she said   the effort she had made  with other family members  as  they  had visited many churches, hospitals and Native doctors in order  to find solution to his brother’s  problem.’’ In fact that was what brought my brother to  Lagos , my parents tried their best. He came to Lagos in 1980 because of his problem yet no solutions’’,Obaniwa said.
Asked whether the rumour that he impregnated a lady whom he refused to accept his responsibility is true, the woman  and his brother Olounda vehemently denied and said ’’how can a 9year-old boy impregnated a woman at that age? The thing has been worrying him at a tender age, not when he got to the puberty stage. How will  a man who had never slept with a woman   impregnate a woman. I don’t know what could have caused it.
Obaniwa   said  she is not happy seeing her younger brother who is supposed to be happily staying with his family still in this mess. ‘’I don’t know who he had offended,  we have gone to places and it has brought shame to me and my family. Now if they chase him out from the house I would ask him to go back to the village .He is not a mad man ,’’she said.
Now Olounda is in a fix, the family of his benefactor are planning to eject him out where he lives because they say  he is a disgrace to them , while  some good Samaritans are kicking against it, for it is only Olounda that takes care of  this man, who  is down with stroke.
 Pa  Nurudeen Abayomi , a resident in the community   said he has known Olounda for over 10years in his vicinity .According to Abayomi , Olounda is not a mad person, he only has what one can call ,a spiritual problem of which only a powerful man of God that can heal him. ‘’I have seen him masturbating  several times and he does not attack anybody , he does not rape. My  only concern is how to rehabilitate this man whose life is wasting. He has no wife and now he is facing  ejection where he lives, and he has no job to do .He is the only one taking care of his benefactor. I know if the media carries  his story he could get assistance. We need to have sympathy for him , he is getting old and his life is being wasting away’’
Another elderly man in the environment described Olounda as an easy going man who lives his own life .    ‘’He does not attack any lady, he does not rape but mere sighting a crowd or seeing a woman he would remove all his clothes and asked the women to be watching him while he would start  masturbating.’’
When this reporter went to town , a woman told a story of a young  man  who in the  early 80s would  leave his office, drive to a bush   where a plantain  trees are planted , removed his necktie and  his trouser and would be masturbating. He was however bailed out from the problem when it was later found that a lady  in his office who was interested in him made several love advances to him but he refused to bulge , the lady  later  cast a spell on   the man who had wanted to marry a lady of his own  choice . But , according to the story the man was taken to places and was  freed from the curse the lady had laid on him and later went to consummate his wedding and was living happily now.
Olounda needs help ,  he is now over 50years and now his head has  turned grey .Age is no longer on his side, so good-spirited Nigerians should come to his aid.]
Who will assist him?.

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