Tuesday 5 March 2019

Man of honor, Chief Niran Osuporu

 In thy face  I  see the map of  honor, truth and loyalty                                                       Shakespeare

        It was around 7p.m.  on appointment   I  went  to meet    His Imperial Majesty  the Olowo of Owo  (Dr.) Oba DVF Olateru-Olagbegi III  (CFR) at the Murtala Mohammed  International  Airport , Ikeja, Lagos  for an important discussion before   boarding  the flight to the United Kingdom. That was about four years ago . 
    I  met His Imperial Majesty  and   a  man on his knees  answering questions from him and exchanging notes. In the hall all  eyes were fixed on the duo. I overheard an Ibo man who cried   ''Chei, Yoruba get Culture o''.  Another woman  watching from   afar  was smiling   as she was carried away  with joy and surprise  ,  she asked me later who the two men were  and  I told her ''that Baba  is  a King , a  first Class   Monarch in Nigeria and Head and leader of my  community,  Owo . That is Olowo of Owo , Oba David Folagbade Olateru -Olagbegi III  and the other man is his Personal Assistant''. When the  man   finished with the royal father  I went to Kabiyesi to  discuss  with him.
       Immediately  the royal father  was sighted , officials of the airport and dignitaries ran to him , greeted him  with honour and  dignity . I felt proud that I have such a high caliber of Monarch who is honored , respected  and given royal treatment   as our King.
The P/A's   attitude  moved me , as the Yoruba Culture is rich , it  reminded me  the words    of  Confucius       (551-479 BC)  '' A youth , when at home , should be filial, and abroad , respectful to his elders'' . The man  is great.
       Today , that   man , the P/A  is now  the High Chief  Osuporu , the Agheru Osuporu of Owo. He assumed the position of his forefathers two years ago. The High chief is well read, articulate, well cultured ,  civilized, humble and unassuming .
       Few years ago when Owo was invaded by some notorious armed robbers and all banks were closed later , Niran called me severally to write about it ( When I was still in  The Nation newspaper). He was more concerned   about the welfare of  his people   as he cried  out that the natives traveled to Akure to withdraw money which was risky. I came down from Lagos, and he took me round .The story was published and a week later the Banks were re opened!.The man , Niran has been the brain box behind it. 
          A man (who begged for anonymity ) narrated how he needed canopies, chairs and tables for a ceremony but had no money , Niran (who operates Rentals)  gave him all these free of charge. Another one said he cried to Niran when his daughter was chased away from school for not paying fees, '' it was this Chief that gave me money to pay the fees , he even added to it '', said the  man who also begged for anonymity. 
      Chief Osuporu  has   Master's  degree  in Sociology   from the  University of Ado- Ekiti. He crowned it by adding  to his knowledge and wisdom  under the  tutelage  of  Olowo of  Owo where he worked as   the  Personal Assistant  and   groomed himself .
      From the onset , the Chief who is of blue blood  background     had  'armed'  himself with the knowledge of  Sociology and Anthropology , thus , he has groomed himself  academically, traditionally and culturally and had been with the first Class royal father for many years  where he had been nurtured and tutored in Culture, Tradition and Leadership.
        Describing the Chief,  Olunaun of Unaun ,  Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde  said '' the High Chief is a man of noble character, he is   from a  royal family  and holds a  Master's degree  in Sociology. He  was under the tutelage of  the royal father, the   Olowo of Owo,  Oba David Folagbade Olateru-Olagbegi III which makes him possess native intelligence,  acquire more knowledge and become a wiseacre . Whoever is close to Olowo of Owo  has gone to another Institution of  higher learning , he will  be humble, loyal, truthful and trust worthy  and have the fear of God . Osuporu has all these characters, his wisdom is like a 90-year -old man. I have interacted with him many times and you will never hear him saying any bad  word   about anybody  and he does not talk much for he is reserved .He is a trustworthy man  one can confide in,he is  never arrogant ''.
           The high Chief's  humility and patience is high, he has self discipline  and uses maturity in  many things. I have known the man for many years and with my interaction with him I  have never seen him angry,  instead   he would  just smile and say 'its okay' . I believe he must have been following the words of  Lady Mary Montagu that says Civility costs nothing and buys everything. The  young and the old are his friends.
         Mrs. Morenike Ogunseitan, a retired headmistress, an actress and politician has this to say '' I must confess to you that the Chief is a very quiet and simple man . Those who are not up to his status and arrogant should learn from him. We were at  his place last week during a  campaign , the way he addressed us was great. He is very humble .I believe Kabiyesi saw all these sterling qualities  in him during the period he worked with him. Chief Osuporu is a very good man. And I pray may he live longer than his forefathers''.
          Chief Osuporu  believes and loves  Culture and Tradition , and  he carries it  so high  yet  he affirms his belief in the Almighty God. I could recall  in one of his interviews  when  asked  how he would combine the Culture and Tradition with his Christian  faith,  he answered that his faith in God is as solid and strong like the rock of Gibraltar  , and that  there is a difference between Culture and religion.
        Mr. Jide Tububo  describes him thus : He is an enigmatic personality and I will continually continue to respect his maturity,  sagacity and objectivity, he continued :I love him for his  ideological, progressive and authentic line of thought, he is an hero and I am happy that he is the Osuporu of Owo Kingdom.
         A friend of mine who had  cause to meet the  High Chief  on  a land matter   last year said the Chief is gifted . We  were already in his Courtyard before his arrival  ,  he called us many times apologizing for coming late . During our  discussion he exercised patience to listen to my friend's  complaint  and asked   questions.  In fact one would think  he is a lawyer. Though , my friend's case was not resolved but the Chief  brilliantly ,logically and  philosophically  delivered his   judgement  thus reminds  me of   King Solomon  in the Bible who delivered a judgement  involving  two prostitutes  as each claimed that the   living baby  was hers,  none wanted to accept the dead baby.   But when King Solomon pronounced his judgement and made a suggestion, the rest , they say is history.
           I went to town asking about Chief  Niran  Osuporu , there was no single negative word or statement  made  about  him.   Chief Osuporu  has sense of generosity and benevolence in his thought .
         Mr. Julius Akinwale has this to say about him  '' This is the man that fits the exalted chieftaincy position for this time , for he has demonstrated  a high degree of meekness, cooperation, respect and modesty among his people and contemporary  regardless this powerful post.My wish for him is that ''A yan pe , a bo Ogwa je pe''.
            For this  man who has worked with the royal father  for many years with unstained record and had acquired knowledge, experience and skill, he has the sterling qualities  to be there. He has represented  Owo and the Olowo of Owo in many occasions within and outside the state.
          In the prophesy of Ezekiel  where we read ''O son of Man ,  I have set thee a watchman  unto the house of Israel '' , Niran is appointed as a Watchman  for the good  and the best  for  Osuporu family and Owo Kingdom at large.The concept  of being a leader represents a forward, progressive, and love for the family.

       A lesson I personally learnt from this  High Chief is his humility .The words of Toni Payne readily   comes to mind  "Arrogance closes more doors than it opens. Stay humble" . Niran is not arrogant, he is just too humble , and hardly can you fault him as he would just look and smile instead of exchanging hot words with anybody , no wonder he is loved by everybody .Wishing you happy Second  coronation anniversary.
By Taiwo  Abiodun, Bobo   T, T Bobo, Babalawo of the Nation (BoN)



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