Monday 6 January 2020

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher. 
He says his Community is surrounded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Abiodun on his life and times

 ........... I taught Professor Ibidapo Ogunbadejo in 1953
.......All my classmates have gone 
.......I lost my father in 1955
......I pray to see electricity in Igbe Community before I die 

       He is a man of  average height. He speaks  impeccable English laced with anecdotes and proverbs. At 90 when almost  all his age mates and colleagues are gone , or suffering from old age- related diseases ,or  bent with age or gaunt and pale ,   Pa Ajibuwa  is still robust and  sound both in sight and mind. He is mentally alert   with  good retentive memory as he  could   recollect dates, time and give details of  events  on his finger tips  without looking at his Diary.
At his age  he is still  neat while  his dressing and  appearance is not different from how he was in the 70s- his clothes has no crease. Not only this, he still retains 95percent  of his dentition. He  neither  uses reading glasses  nor   a walking stick to aid his movement .To those who passed through the  thoroughbred, disciplined  and principled teacher  they   respect him and look up to him as a good mentor as he possessed an exemplary character worthy  of emulation . Above all  he is loved for his  sound judgement, loyalty and  love. He is loved by his community members because of his struggle to make sure the town is developed and sees electricity in his lifetime .
  The nonagenarian  lives in his modest bungalow in Igbe where he retired to. Many remember his motorcycle he used to ride in those days. Those who know Pa Ajibuwa said he  deserves an award from the  Ondo State government and Owo Local government for his contribution to humanity. 

  It was a beautiful morning  when this reporter went to the retired teacher's house unannounced. The nonagenarian  held his waist  as he  managed to stand  up, "Oh!, my back!", the old man groaned. He   then  smiled and as he  wobbled along  he cracked his usual joke , " that is the problem of old age , this my back na  wahala o" , he jocularly said . 
Meet  High Chief Alfred Olorunsola Ajibuwa Ajelu  the Akinselure of Igbe land - Iyere , Owo, Ondo state 

He sat comfortably on a wooden bench, looked up ,shook his head  and started the story of his life's journey  " I was a teacher throughout my life .I am retired but not tired .I spent 32 years in service before it ( Ministry of Education) was rationalized by the Ajasin regime (First Civilian regime)because there was no money then to continue paying workers ."
    The old man went down memory lane and said  he finds it difficult to  forget all his Standard School mates in the '40s , according to him, most of them had died  " the late Chief Lawrence Akola, the late Chief Benson Awosusi , the late Madam Caroline Oladoyin Abiodun ( Nee Elerewe), the late Otu Aminu, the late Rabiu Banjo,  Mr. Egunjobi ( still alive) and many others .Many have gone to eternal rest., only myself and Egunjobi in Iyere are still remaining (living) as classmates  from Standard school" .
Pa Ajibuwa described his days in school as unforgettable periods , "I  attended Grade Two Teachers' Training College  in Usi Ekiti,(1957-58) , I was a Sportsman and was  called the Golden  Age of Usi Ekiti then. I also attended Teachers' Grade Two College in Epinmi Akoko and I was a Sports Teacher , in 1959 I was sent to Isua Akoko "

The old man refused to rest despite  his old age , and he said this was due to the passion  he has in the job " due to the interest  I  have for the job , if I have money I will still teach but due to my age I am not  allowed again .After my retirement I taught in Cherubim  and Seraphim  Grammar school, Owo, Christ  Centre Grammar school , Iyere -Owo, and some other schools". He remembered his footprint he left behind " it was one Mr .Akerele the proprietor of Christ  Centre Grammar school , Iyere -Owo, school who begged me to come and teach in Iyere .I taught them English, and I was the one who made them win  an   award in General paper and English Language.
''Out of the first set in the school Sunbo  Akerele  who was the daughter of the proprietor of the school  was nine  years old when she passed the school entrance to Command School, Kaduna. Sunbo was called for an interview but  they said she was too young ,for they  admit from ages of 11 years, but  she came first in English in the whole Federation ,  eventually she was admitted .She came out in flying colours . After that she went to School of Nursing /Midwifery  and she came out well .Today  I am proud of her .May God bless her and be with her.''
 Ask a man who is successful in life  he would tell you the hurdles he passed through to achieve success.  Pa Ajibuwa with emotion narrated his challenges while growing up.
Ajibuwa said   "People always envy me because of my brilliancy , whether good or bad , some hated me yet I achieved what God had wanted me  to  achieve. I came from a very,  very, poor background .I had no older  brother who could advise  me then and nobody to take care of me''
He continued " My father died in 1955, so it was my mother who continued  to labour  on me , she worked day and night to send me to school. I experienced poverty in life , any school I went to I was more or less the poorest in sandals , shoes, clothes yet in brilliance my position was  always in unit , yet I was the best in Geography and History" 
To the old man , scrapping the Teachers Training  College was not the best , he said " it is not good , fairly it is good in one way and in another way it's not good because during the time of  colonial  days when the  Churches were controlling  the schools ,you know people    were morally trained by that time than now . Now they don't  recruit  teachers for  Christian Religious subject but only the Muslim , they will allocate teachers   to teach Islamism in the schools  but ...I advised that Christianity  , knowing God  before money , all these should be taught , how to praise God , how to worship God  and how to do the right thing at the right time , if CRK is still  taught now there will be no issue of stealing of money , politicians  are chopping but not building the nation , they are not building the nation but chopping the nation, they are money-minded people  but if they avoid this and teach CRK in schools  and let Christianity reign  in our schools things would augur well.''
He continued " In Christian schools all were taught on  how to worship God, behave etc. politicians who are chopping ..they are not building the nation but chopping the nation, they are money-minded people  but if they ... things would augur well but today what do we see? money -minded , searching for money and politics "
    Asked whether he has any regret of his profession, but the old man shook head several times and said "No. Not at all. I do not regret it. If  I reincarnate  I will be a teacher again  because teaching profession is a profession where we build both the  body and the  soul . I am enjoying the reward of the profession now because many of the  pupils  I have taught  ...(raised his voice and fingers ) I taught in many , many schools always recognize and and give me respect . Whenever I meet anyone of them.... I don't know them again but they would introduce themselves  that 'You were my teacher in place, some would give me five thousand , some would give me two thousand naira even some would kneel down in the presence of people . The most honorable is the respect they always give me as they would  prostrate  for me anytime we meet" .
He gave an example " I was in the University of Ife  for a Course  ( now Obafemi Awolowo University ) between 1976 and 1977  session , one boy I taught at Iyere , Ibidapo Ogunbadejo , he saw me at Ife ( OAU) , he had  become a professor and now  retired,  he was proud to introduce me to his colleagues that I was once his teacher and  they took me highly and were looking at me highly .He introduced me to his co-lecturers  that 'this is my teacher in the year 1953 at Iyere St.John's School' They  respected and honoured me throughout my study at ' University of  Ife, that is the work of a good teacher so  I pray that if I come next time I would become  a teacher.''

              MY CHILDREN
   The  joy of a teacher is to see his  own children's success, Ajibuwa is happy to be among teachers who taught other successful children and his own children are today successful. When asked whether any of his children took after him , the old man screamed '' yaaaaah, they are teaching! ''.
 Like father like children , Ajibuwa's children took  after their father , he is happy that this is happening in his lifetime. Counting them on his fingertips he said  " Yes, some of my children took after my job like my  first daughter  Temidayo Ajibuwa  now Mrs. Temidayo  Akinsuyi is a teacher , she went to College of Education then proceeded to Michael Adekunle Ajasin University , Akungba , she is a teacher in one of the Grammar schools in Ondo state . Another one is in Overseas , he  is Idowu Ajibuwa , he read Petroleum Engineering , and  made a distinction .Where there is no work here his senior brother called him  and he is abroad as a lecturer in the University there''.
Still counting , " My first son who is a teacher too  is a pastor in The Redeemed Church of God , he is a teacher, he got some  degrees in overseas there . About two or three of my children are teaching and   I pray for their children  too  to would teach because I prefer teaching to other works ".
   Pa Ajibuwa is a sad man, not because he has no money or food to eat   and he gave the reason , " There are many problems  facing Igbe  I will only discuss few , one, we have   external enemy who will never pray for the success of the community  but will pray for themselves alone and wanted to make  Igbe  their  slaves for ever. Two, we Igbe people we do not have  much love among ourselves , had it been there is love and unity Igbe could have developed   more than this. 'This is my father's land, this is my mother's land' , selfishness and taking everything into their own purse without considering their community is rampant here.Three, shall I say that unless  we pray   and continue to pray, when we continue to pray to our Almighty God  am sure things would change  ", he added.
   The High Chief is sad  that cable wires meant for the electrification for the community are lying fallow and wasting !. He is sad that the whole village has been in the dark for  ages.He is sad that while others are  switching on light his community members are still using oil lamps!. 
On  the efforts to make sure there is light he said  "The first one was started by Agagu , we voluntarily chose people to  dig the holes , the electrification was given to them   from Abuja , and our youths and Chiefs contributed full for them helping them to dig the holes yet the thing died down like that . Then during the time of  Mimiko  we  tried in our communal labour without getting money from them yet some  of the external enemies  did not want the work to succeed  , and we know them  but I am sorry I can't mention their names  but God knows them better .It was external enemy that was confronting Igbe and I am sure sooner or later God will take control.''
  Pa Ajibuwa is proud to say  that  the present Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu (SAN)  is from Igbe Community , he said ''Pa Akeredolu who gave birth to Reverend  Akeredolu and Reverend Akeredolu gave birth to Arákùnrin  Odunayo Oluwarotimi Akeredolu  the present governor , so the great grand father of the mother of Aketi was born here in Igbe. Secondly, Governor Akeredolu is my in -law for I married from his extended family and  then when he was at the University of Ife reading Law I was at the University there doing my Associate  Diploma in Education ,so we know each other .He knows me very well and he is a good  man ,very dynamic and a  trustworthy person . whatever he says he must act on it and  he is  always factual ".

Asked his wish before he leaves this planet world . The old man spoke like the Biblical Zachariah who  prayed   to witness the birth of  Jesus Christ before he dies said " I'm now 87 years , if I can see the electricity light and we are taken from darkness to lightness  I shall be very grateful to God . I will glorify God .I will sing God's glory .  I will go to  church  to  thank God and rejoice  because my days are numbered on the earth .I told some of the people yesterday who came to talk about this  electricity supply   the same thing . Very many people who were anxious to see it have gone (dead) so if I can see it before I die , and if ever we met in heaven I will tell them that we have been supplied the electricity. So,I am praying fervently , sooner or later , quickest Igbe will be electrified''. 

Saturday 30 November 2019

Fare thee well Prince Aragun Ogunoye


      Babalawo Of the Nation (BoN) with JEFOE

The news filtered in that JEFOE is dead!. Dead? .Yes , dead . Everybody was pained. I am the most pained. Yes , I cried more than the bereaved, you will say.Not that he was not old  and not because there is no money  for the burial but because he still  have an  aged mother at home. Whaaaaaat? Aged mother ? .Olorun Oba oooo!. Oghan mo ku!, oghan mo w'esun oran, o ti n'iye s'aiye ke?. Ki  le le yi o? Oro nla! Yee paripa!. Kini kati  gboo?. Kini ka se?. Kini ka wi ?. kini ka fo?.  Kai!Baba onirungbon yeuke looooo!
Who will break the news to the old woman?. When I spoke with his younger brother, Prince Sunday , he said ''that is how we saw it o''. And the question on everybody's lips  is why God?. Why do some people die leaving their parents behind? .Why ?, why God? .Yet we would say He understands . He knows  best . We cannot question or query  Baba Goodu. And what came to my mind is '' If thousands die on Saturday , we would still go to Church the following day, Sunday to sing ''We praise and worship you Oh God! .Bi egbegberun eniyan ba ku ni Satide awa yin o la o ko l'ojo Sunday ! Oloun Oba o ki leleyi ooooooo?.
   We need to console mama that she should take heart . There is nothing new under the sun.I told Chessy Aragun, one of his younger brothers who is a musician to take heart.
Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Dagrin,Wacko Jacko, Elvis Presley, Orlando Owoh  and  many others died leaving their mothers behind. Infact Jesus Christ died (was crucified in the presence of his mother!) leaving his mother behind.Yet, we  still thank God for everything. Nobody can question Baba Gooodu.
As  I sighted  the man with his grey beard glittering like silver I chukled and soliloquized , this is a story. I  quickly alighted from my Camry Car,  ran up  up to him and said '' Sir, you  are like the heavily bearded old  man  Baba Onirungbon Yeuke , eni ti ngbe ibi gegele okuta  ti D.O.Fagunwa ko itan re ( You look like the mysterious  heavily bearded old man that lives among the stones of which D.O.Fagunwa wrote about) , your beard endeared you to me.You are wearing beard like my brother , Professor Rowland Abiodun who lives  in America, are you a Professor?''. He  gave a roar laughter  and responded ''Professor ke? No,o I am Prince ARAGUN . Then I am not Baba Onirungbun yeuke oooo .I don't live here but lives in Kaduna.  I Immediately asked for an interview from him  of which he accepted , and  I brought out my ipad , he cried '' loju titi yiii?'' (on this road?), I said yes, I do  interview anywhere, any place and anytime .that is why I take my ipad along always ''.
I told him this story I got from THE LITTLE , BROWN BOOK OF Anecdotes, by CLIFTON FADIMAN : A journalist once called at Frost's house for an interview ,''Do you have one of those machines -those tape recorders ?'' asked the  poet suspiciously as he opened the door. ''No sir,'' replied the journalist. Frost's manner changed instantly .''Well , come on in!'' he cried.''Those people who take down word will never get anything right''.He then burst into laughter.The man can laugh , he can crack jokes and you will join him laughing.Yes, that is JEFOE for you.

Then somebody called me Babalawo of the Nation!, Babalawo of Africa! , Babalawo of the World! "', the old man burst into laughter and said '' sebi you said you are a Journalist , are you also Babalawo?'', I said   ''no'', but  my own Babalawo is of the Nation newspaper.We started the interview   on the road, he  then asked us to go inside to complete his story. 
He showed me his mother who was selling palm wine and then  ordered cups of palm wine for me , and trust me I started flowing and pouring panegyrics to Palmwine, saying ''Kare o, abiwarapa abito funfun lenu, emu reee, emu ti Bobo T , T Bobo and Babalawo of The Nation ti nwa kiri'', when he heard me , he asked '' Come o sebi your name is Taiwo , how come you are Babalawo? or is it fake?''I screamed ''Sir, my own Babalawo is original, it is Babalawo of The Nation newspaper, I am Bobo T, T, Bobo''.
We sat down and spoke  virtually on everything. The last time we spoke was about his land that he was having problem with and when he resolved it he also told me he has been given another place.
One day we spoke and he told me he wanted to have a praying mountain , which would make him be  fulfilled.
When I started my website and he was on my mind for another interview  about the Aragun family compound he showed me and asked me to write about that time. I called the Olunaun of Unaun , Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde to send me his number just few weeks before his demise.
  Why am I writing this piece today? I am writing this   to appreciate his simplicity and humility . I  am writing this to honour him. I am writing this  to give him my last respect. I  have had cause to  ask for  interview  from  some people who would treat me shabbily  and turned me off. I remember  a guy who with his arrogance attitude cum uncouth manner went extra mile  for my jugular but  failed woefully. The guy exhibited multilateral combinations of foolishness, arrogance and  arrant nonsense.

     Only very few people appreciate the profession, journalism. While only few people too want their children and wards  to go into the profession because of  the danger it involves yet they want to be interviewed by journalists!. No, wonder some called it a thankless job!. Yet among the few  who know its value and appreciate it is JEFOE.
Whether we like it or not JEFOE has become more popular than any living man who  has  not appeared in The Nation newspaper!.You must be news worthy  in order to be interviewed.
He has become popular allover the world , even in heaven he would go with  this published story and the paper where he granted interview and  show his friends he would meet there.

JEFOE as your name implies (eat vegetable) be eating your vegetable there but not worms, eat what they eat over there .Say hello to my parents over there, my father has spent over 34years and my mother 13 years there. Salute our people there o . 
Anyway , soki lobe oge.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Orlando's songs are meaningful

Madam Caroline Muibatu Owomoyela is the eldest and most senior  wife among the three surviving  wives  left behind by the High-life Musician Dr. Orlando Owoh who died on the 4th of November 2008.

                            Caroline speaks

........ Why he sang 'So dara bee?'
......... He goes to studio without rehearsal
...........I don't smoke
For the  light -complexioned  and beautiful woman  there  is no moment she does not remember her dutiful,loving and caring husband Dr. Orlando Owoh . 11 years after his demise she is still mourning the painful exit of  the  great musician   as she said he  cannot be compared with any man on earth .
The  woman  who is proud of her husband with confidence gave a brief introduction of  herself ,''My  name is Caroline Muibatu Owomoyela . Presently  I am the most senior wife among the surviving wives of the late Musician , Orlando Owoh.
Reminded the love she had for the great musician she  describes him like this '' He was  a great  husband,a great lover, an honest husband   and my confidant. He paid my bride price''.
Caroline who  could not remember the exact year she met her  late husband , Orlando   said ''I met him several years ago, I cannot remember the exact year . I met him in the 70s. But I know that I had my first child for him in 1973 and that is all I can  recollect and it's been long time ''.

The woman burst into uncontrollable laughter when asked whether her parents approved the union , she  asked  ''whose parents will give such consent?'', she added  ''But both  of us had agreed because of our  mutual understanding   so there was nothing my parents could say then that one would listen to''. She praised Orlando for being a man of his own words unlike other men with empty and unfulfilled promises.  ''He was a man that  always fulfill his promise. He was not a liar, he was not a man that lies and the nature of his job does not permit him to lie, he did not know how to lie''


 Surprisingly none of Muibatu's children sings , as she told this reporter when asked whether her children also sing  ,''No,none of them sings. My children are all females, and some are in the United States of America  and are doing well in their chosen professions''.

 Orlando was a faithful husband

Muibat said the late Musician was arrested many times for different  framed -up offenses and charges , she narrated one of the challenges Orlando experienced  , as she said   ''Yes, he went to play  somewhere in Sobe that was when  he praised his kinsmen  and did not  praise some royal fathers  which annoyed them , Orlando  was later advised  not to spend  that night in Ifon .It was in one of his   records  where he sang'' ( trying to remember) . 
The woman however  said Orlando once joined  the Army , she said  '' before I married him  I heard he joined the military and went to the war front. One of his kinsmen  Tunde Awodeyi  sent him  back . I have forgotten his (Awodeyi) rank whether Colonel, he was a high ranked man, He said '' ah, Orlando what have you come here to do?''. Awodeyi then stylishly brought Orlando back home and did not want him to be killed   in the war front , I mean  Orlando''.

Asked to throw light on another song Orlando  sang when his Peugeot 504 Car was seized, the woman vividly remember and said  ''Yes, I  remember the song ( She sang the song ) , SO DAA BE?, where he sang '' Ogedengbe mi o, Oladimeji mi o , o gbe mi lori esin oo  o jami kale o, ye ye ye( My Ogedengbe, my Oladimeji , you placed  me on  the horse and pushed me down. Is that good enough?) he was reporting to his  friends then'
Muibatu narrated how the story went ,she said Orlando  bought a  Peugeot 504 Car on  hire purchase from  his friend ,Ogedengbe who was a Car dealer    then ,  but because he failed to  balance up  the Car dealer , Ogedengbe  seized   the car  from him,  at the end of the day he and  the Car dealer  later became friends again .I could remember the case very well'', the woman said.
In one of his  albums, the late  Musician  sang and poured panegyrics on  Ojo, Muibat knew him too , she said ''Yes, I know the Ojo  you are talking about. Orlando  had  a Band boy called Ojo, who was  his brother   he is Elvis Ojo. He had another Ojo but I can not remember him. Orlando's  older  brother is called  Ojo too , I know him very well''.

Does she have a favourite  song  among all the songs Orlando waxed and  released?,she was asked  , the woman responded   '' I love all his music, none  can be pushed aside , they are all confirmed . I remember (she started singing)  Ma wo mi roro , ma wo mi roro, ...... all the lyrics  in his albums have meanings and rich in content,  they are  not ordinary songs .Song is gift from God'', she declared. However the woman said she does not sing like her husband.

Asked to confirm the rumour that the late African Kennery goes to the studio without doing rehearsal or practise as others do  , she confidently confirmed it   ''Yes, he would not do rehearsal , anytime he planned  to go to the studio he would just go  and record unlike  other musicians who will go and camp himself and his band somewhere and be practicing, no. It is a gift, if a musician  is talented  he would not be looking for songs to sing. It is a gift from God'', she said  beating  her chest.

This is a  bad memory  the wife of  Orlando does not want to remember at all  , she said she was with him at the hospital running around and praying for him not to leave  , she declared in low tone  '' I was with her at  the hospital , we were going ups and downs not knowing that  it was time for him to go . But  then I had the belief that he would still come back home ( discharged ) from the hospital. Anytime I flashed back remembering the scene I discovered that there is nothing one can do and resigned to fate.We would just be remembering and always be in our memory for ever , there is nothing we can do, we are all human''.

Orlando's tomb is being visited on daily basis by his fans and friends to pay homage to the great Singer and Composer. She said ''People come there to visit the tomb ''.
 Muibatu went down memory lane to remember how the late husband spoiled her with gifts anytime he traveled out of the country , she said ''After marrying him  he went to America , I was very happy . when his father died . ..he was an honest man''
Was  she aware  that her  husband smoked Indian hemp ?, she replied  ''of course yes,   he smoked and sang its praise , people are aware that he smoked ganja . He did not misbehave. He smoked with sense'', she said with total approval and support. Asked further whether  she  too smoked like her husband , her response was ''No, we the wives at home did not o'' and she then  burst into laughter again.
The woman said each time they heard his music being played , her heart become heavy ''but there is nothing we can do and we thank God for his life''

Friday 1 November 2019

We are ready to settle out of Court if...

 ......We are ready to dialogue 
.......We have not received sack letter  
.......Olowo of Owo and leaders should settle it
........We are ready to settle out of Court


      Gen. Secretary , Arikawe
       For the past few  months  tongues  have  been wagging . Different  rebellious  songs  in different tunes are being sung  while discordance tune is being heard as  opponents  are   dancing  to the beating of  drums of war   due to  rumours and lack of harmony. One camp     accusing  the   other. Each Camp's  Goal  Keeper has been  defending his goal post   from  the striker's  penalty shoot -out from   scoring goals! .
Receipts  of transactions have been flying about ( real or not ).
A source said   the EFCC  came into action . But  according to information , fake  names of  petitioners  /anonymous were supplied because  no one could  identify  the writers or petitioners. Information gathered that some of these officers reported  at the EFCC office in Ibadan but seeing nothing incriminating  or not found wanting  ,they  were  left off the hook.

    That is the mind-boggling story that has been rocking the boat of   Rufus Giwa Polytechnic's   institution established in the ancient town of Owo about four  decades ago.  The ASUP alleged the Governing Council of  maladministration, high handedness , insensitivity to workers' plight  and misappropriation of funds. Yet, the case  is like the  ram's testicles swinging endlessly  but  will not  disentangle.
Ade Arikawe the General Secretary of ASUP , ROGIPO Chapter  in this video spoke on many issues.



''Yes, we  heard so but as far as we are concerned we have not received any   letter  regards  to that (sack)  and we  have not been invited to any panel neither has any committee  invited us  for questioning . So as far as we are concerned we were suspended arbitrarily. But we saw fliers all around and people have been calling just like the way you are saying that we have been sacked. 
 ''We have not received any letter  to that regards and to the best of our knowledge the only letter we have is the letter of suspension but we saw fliers and people have been saying the management has dismissed us from the institution to the extent that even a disclaimer has been circulated within the institution  and I don't think we have committed any criminal offense to have warranted such.''

Yes , we went to Court as regards to  the  suspension on  the Union activities within the institution .We said  that the management and the Council didn't  have the right to suspend  the Union because the Union came into existence by law and the Union is not their baby . So they don't have the right to suspend us , we want to prove it.

''That was September , I cannot remember the date  .There was a letter we wrote to the Honourable  Commissioner  for Education Pastor  Femi Agagu  and when the Management saw the letter , they invited Police to the matter and we were arrested and detained at the Police Station where we were asked to write a statement .So , having done that it was in the process that we were in Court that we have been   suspended from the institution without any panel and   without passing through due process.

''Yes, what brought about that was when we were agitating for our promotion which had been given last since and the management made us understand that they don't have the arrears on that promotion and we requested  that the arrears should be left out for now but the promotion should be given , that is let us  bear the nomenclature,  give us the letters for us to know the position we are in the polytechnic so that we can be at par with our counterparts in other institutions .So as a result of that the management said that there was going to be an exam but we now said that without the promotion we were not going to participate in the examination .
''Initially, the issue of salary arrears was inclusive in our demand because  that was what we reached at the  Congress and  some other things attached   but when we now saw that the salary is not from the school , is not within their purview but the promotion issue is within their purview  and we now demanded that  let us do the promotion and leave others since the promotion is within their purview. But the management refused they said they ( students) have to write the exam by force and that day they said the Council would meet that week, and exam was supposed to start on  Monday, we met the Council to ratify the promotion and we said if that has been done let us wait for the Council to ratify the promotion , they refused . 
 Since we agreed at the Congress  that we were not going to participate  we set up a Committee , a kind of Task Force to see that our members would not participate in the exam. A night before ,we received calls from students telling us that the management said we didn't  want them to write exam and we even heard the voice of the Rector instigating students against us .So on that day all we did was that we warned the Committee that there should be total compliance . Along the line we saw 18 of the students trying to come upon us , that was when the chairman addressed the  students  and we told them we were not for fight ,  we were even pleading with the students that they should not fight, not do anything ,we said they should remember the last issue they had with the management .   


So in the course of addressing these students some of them snapped pictures and  recorded the video you saw. We were not instigating students , it was the Rector that instigated students to fight us. So we were able to calm the situation , the situation was under control. It was that day that they said we started tearing papers in the exam that they didn't do.There was no exam that day, but the management claimed  that we went to  exam halls to tear papers which is not true , which is not true , the exam did not hold at all. That was why the chairman addressed students so that the students would not attack us''.

''Yes, a lecturer was kidnapped before our own member was kidnapped , there was somebody from SANNU that was kidnapped and killed , it was that same week that our own member was kidnapped, the exam was  supposed to hold on Monday but the person was  kidnapped  Saturday before Monday and we now reported to the management that let us shift the exam at least a day  forward and let us see how we can get this person back but the management refused. It was at that level we now called for members so that we can pray for the quick release of this person and the exam was supposed to start by 8:30 am that is the normal routine we ended that prayer by 8:05am. I invigilated that day. I went to the exam hall to invigilate.There was no disruption. It was that week that we had a letter of suspension and the exam went smoothly nothing happened''.

''Yes, there are some buildings under construction, these are TETFUND projects that were abandoned during the time of our former rector, Ajibefun. These projects were abandoned  and we have not been able to access TETFUND's fund , as a result the level at as a result of that it is the money of the 500 million naira to have been used for the payment of two months arrears owed by Mimiko regime that money was meant for''. 

''Yes, he was supposed to have been probed , it is not our duty to probe because we are Unions and we never knew the extent  at which the projects would have  gone even  at that  time  I was not an EXCO, I only became an EXCO during the regime of Ologunagba  to this present regime .It should be the Governing Council that should probe . It is not our duty , it is the duty of the Council''.

''We are not accusing anybody ,we are only trying to see how that institution will go on as expected, Ajibefun regime came and is gone , if there is any regime at all to probe Ajibefun it is this regime that should do that. It is not our duty to probe, if they know he has questions to answer they should invite him and ask him questions , it is not our right , we don't have that opportunity to ask him question , it is the Governing Council that have power to do  such.We are not even blaming them , all we are saying is that let things be done accordingly, if money is meant for A, it should not be used for B, let use what belongs to A to use A let use what belongs to B to be used for B, that is all we are saying here because when that 500million naira came , the Rector invited the three Unions , I was there , he invited the three Unions and told us that this money has come and he was going to use 250million naira  to offset part of the salary arrears and was going to use 150million naira to pay the  CTS deduction and was going to pay these arrears for retirees , we agreed on that . Another thing came up and  he said he was going to use it for capital project, that has been cleared .The Commissioner for Education made us known to that .. about five months salary and the institution is in critical condition financially .We believe if  the Council is coming it is to come and sabotage the institution but not to come and siphon the institution , we don't have money .We felt that if they come around the allowance should reduce, because they met critical condition of the school  on ground but they increased their sitting allowance from 32 to 80, they went ahead to buy cars , we cannot afford that . I want to ask you sir, since the acting rector has been in that institution  there has he  been able to save up to 18million to buy a car? as acting capacity , is that right ? .
All these should not be coming up at this period , we are working for the governor for his second term  the man has tried for us in that institution.They were owing us 11months but when he came in he gave them money to settle this place , he gave them money  to balance up, the man has done so much for us . He had visited us , gave us promises, but these people are trying to sabotage his effort . You can imagine this kind of thing is happening in the governor's  town, the only heritage , the only institution in that place , they are only trying to sabotage the effort of the governor and it should not die.

Arikawe however wants the Olowo of Owo , HIM  Oba Ajibade Gbadegesin Ogunoye III, Head of Service Mr. Dare Aragbaiye, the CSO , the Registrar, and other leaders in Owo to wade in since the  School is located in Owo their home town. 

''We can settle this thing out of Court, why not. My chairman can do that  if we agree on certain things .But we can't just walk to Court  and say we want to agree, the Court has to stand for us. And another way to it is that Owo, this School is in Owo, if the school is in another town it should have been a different ball game, the Governor is from Owo,  the  Chairman Governing Council is from Owo, the Registrar is from Owo, My chairman (Ijawoye ) is from Owo, we have  first class Oba in Owo,  the HOS is from Owo, the Chief of Staff is from Owo , the Attorney General of the State is from Owo, all these people, they should not allow this thing to escalate  beyond necessary, these are issues they should  address and get out of it  because at the end of the day if this thing is not nipped  in the bud it will escalate . The governor has tried for us. In everything we do we first of all consider his position but they are not doing that with us.
We have met the Commissioner of Education , we have met the Head of Service  , they said we can settle out of Court ...''


 The Chairman Governing Board, Mr. Banji Alabi ,  said he remains unshakable and as solid  like the rock of Gibraltar. He however debunked all these allegations. He stood his ground and maintained his  stand that due process was followed in purchasing the vehicles.

''I will not argue with these people. I am a Christian and have been blessed. What  these guys are saying is just a fuss, they are like a drowning man who  did not want to go down alone. The fact is that we went through normal due process .I am a lawyer , an accountant and had worked in Chevron for 24years with clean record. God has been kind to me . The fact is that corruption is fighting back on these people and they are afraid. Check these people's records very well.
''They accused me of misappropriation of funds , they must prove it-he who alleged must prove . If they are unable to prove they must apologize and publish  same far and wide -that is the only fair thing to do. .He who alleged must prove .
''Forgiveness must work better if the offender acknowledges her/his action , apologizes genuinely , and seeks atonement .It cannot  and must not be a one-way street , as that will be  too much burden on the victim .I have been free and very nice to them''.  


A retired teacher Mrs. Morenike Ogunseitan Famulagun said         ''Banji Alabi is from Owo, he meant good .This man meant good for Owo people and I  am appealing to all parties to sheath their swords. Remember Alabi is not a poor man and will never steal from anybody. He has a good record . He is clean and has been constructing new buildings , renovating dilapidated buildings , and the Bakery that has been in  comatose is bouncing back.
The Olunaun of Unaun ,Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde said '' we should all cooperate and make the institution the best in Nigeria. I have heard a lot of programmes Alabi is facilitating to the school.I  believe there must be solution to all this. Let this man do his work for God's sake''

Oke Mohammed was furious when he said '' what's all the fuss about? When did Alabi come there? .Was he there two or three or five years ago? These people should go after those who destroyed the school.If Alabi said he followed due process and it is true then these guys are just ranting like ant''.

As the sacked ASUP officials are allegedly sacked , it is obvious that they are on their own because according to an insider ,  there is no strike or no boycott of lectures by the lecturers to drum their  support  for  their Comrades.

Now   questions are being asked from Comrades to Students, and the questions are   '' Have the ASUP members  abandoned their  Comrades?.Why did they not go on strike  to  protest on behalf  of  their sacked colleagues? . Will their Court action  favour the Comrades? .Questions .Questions.

  However,  investigation revealed that the ASUP Comrades may have been abandoned by their colleagues for the fact that the school's lecturers  and  the senior officers who were supposed or expected   to go on strike and protest against their sack may have abandoned them. Now examinations have started without hitch and this is unusual .
Dauda Yakubu ( not real names) said '' I can tell you that these Comrades must have erred for accusing Banji Alabi who is known to be a wealthy man and nothing incriminating has ever been found on him . If he wanted to buy a fleet of cars he  has the money to  buy them. How much is the the money .I am not in support of smearing people's images. Why not probe the past rectors' activities? '', He queried on phone.
 Another man who  spoke with  anger   rained  curses on this Reporter on phone saying '' The media added more to the case,  how can you be relying on the papers these Comrades are flying about? . First , they said the money disbursed did not go through Due  process, again they said the Rector's age is not realistic that he doctored it .We learnt that these guys are being sponsored by a group of people who have now abandoned them to their fate.Now what is their fate?''.
But Emeka X insisted that all the past leaders should be probed .''Let us probe them all including the so called Alabi and his group and if  they are found wanting they should be dealt with, that is my take''.
Another woman who refused to mention her name  said '' Nobody would believe all what these Comrades are saying and  brandishing about called receipts. Agreed ,they bought  these vehicles for 68million naira but  they all  followed due process. What did they say about the past Governing Councils?. What was the state of the school before Alabi came in?. Let us investigate  that.You cannot build on nothing, what did  they meet on the ground?. That is my take''.
One of the Comrades  who refused to mention his name said '' A  senior staff  we were fighting on his behalf and who pretended he was supporting us saw me on the road when my car broke down but did not stop to assist or sympathize with me  , is this good? .Well, we know we are fighting a good cause and we will win. But it is sad to experience such a wicked act''.
 Now it is like the ASUP is divided . But will the  suspended Comrades be recalled?
However , the Olunaun of Unaun Prince Olanrewaju Abegunde  appealed  to the two parties '' please  sheath your swords. Let us stop calling ourselves names. I have heard a lot about the  state of the school before Alabi came in , and the present condition . Alabi has really tried, sentiments apart. I secretly went to the school to see things for myself. The Bakery is bouncing back!. They  have added more Courses  and above all they will soon be awarding degrees. Let Olowo of Owo, our  royal father stepped in and appeal to the two parties to sheath their swords. I know Alabi very well , he was an orphan at 17. He has never , I repeat never spoiled  his name.  He does not have an itchy finger''. 
Will the two parties settle out of Court? Will they reinstate these Comrades? Time will tell.

Friday 11 October 2019

Tunde Anunkansogbo the solo gravedigger

Tunde during the interview

 .......Lost count of   graves dug
  .......Knows everybody in Owo
  .......Not afraid of the dead
.........Wants Aketi to assist him

    In Owo , he needs no introduction. He is popular and known all over the place. He is  5feet and 10 inches tall. He is  huge with pot bellied .He is  energetic and hard working . In fact he is called from the neighboring villages to come and work for them.Yes, he is  a one- man grave digger. He is an  unaccompanied grave digger.
His secretary  and office  are his ears and places where people  are mourning  and   wailing for losing their beloved ones -  whether old or  young .That is where his daily bread comes from.It is the source of his living.

   For the man called Bamilotuwa, his  work place is  at  the graveside ; he single -handedly digs grave , and assists to lower the coffin into the grave while he   covers  it alone with sand  to the amazement of everybody.  At times he fights whoever tries to assist him as he does not want  assistance. 
 Welcome to the  world of  Tunde Olagbende   popularly called Tunde Anunkansogbo, meaning Tunde who single- handedly digs the grave or the solo grave digger .
.Many times he would place  his cloth  on his shoulder, half-clad and  walks alone  and he is  being saluted with great response . At times he would stop to greet in order to know what is happening in the environment , that is the pot -bellied hardworking Anunkansogbo for you!. 

Tunde said  he has been in this business for a long time , he said '' I cannot steal and that is the profession    I know and  can do  to earn a living , and I have been doing this job  for over 20years'' .
Asked to tell how many graves he has dug, Tunde replied '' I have lost count  of that . I cannot count the number  of the graves I have dug in my life . Take for instance I dug your mother's grave              ( referring to  this reporter's mother's grave),I dug Engineer  Musa's father's grave , I also dug  Pius Olabode's mother's grave, I participated in digging Oburegede's grave, I also dug Pa Laleye's grave  and Oluwasibogun's grave.I cannot remember the number of graves I have dug in compounds, houses, church cemeteries   irrespective of the deceased's religious affiliation'', he said

He is being called Anunkansogbo  , not only because of his cheap services but because he is fast, and does not charge high  like others. Tunde  is very hardworking and very honest.  At parties when he sees any lost item he gives it back to the owner without asking for compensation.He said '' just give me the job I will not waste time, I have no time to waste. I can do it alone , no matter what .I used to collect 10,000 naira to dig a grave.  I don't charge high. My charge is reasonable compared to others. I used to dig  three to four graves in a day when there is business''.Asked whether he uses drug, but he emphatically answered ''N, what for ?''.

On whether he is afraid of the graves or the  dead while digging or had any nasty experience in the course of his work, but he swore ''I  am not afraid of  the dead. I am their father, I will beat them if they attempted it. I eat and sleep very well. I spend one hour to dig the grave''.
After burying the corpse he too would join the deceased's children to celebrate, and  he would dance with them too''.


   Tunde dancing at  a burial ceremony

 Before, many looked at him  to be a non -serious man or a man who ''cannot do'' or '' perform'' but he later proved them wrong few years ago when his wife gave birth to a bouncing  baby boy. He  announced  to the world that he  has married and his wife had delivered a bouncing baby boy .''My son is  christened Olamilekan,  he is a boy'', he said .
While many erroneously thought   he does not know  what he is doing, Tunde proved them wrong  again  for he  is very wise and clever, according to him he has saved some   money to take care of his family and would soon stop digging grave as he planned to retire from the job .
 Tunde campaigned vigorously for the present Ondo State governor , Arakunrin  Rotimi Akeredolu (SAN) to become the State Governor . He showed  his muffler with the APC logo. 
His words '' I love Aketi that was why I campaigned for him and I thought when he becomes the Governor I would get a job in the  Local Government .Please tell Aketi  not to  forget me o''.
Asked when he would retire from  this rigorous job ,  Tunde said   he has stopped digging graves, he said laughing. While those he sat with denied, ''he is still digging'', one of them countered him.

Asked whether he will have  another wife in addition to the one at home but he screamed , ''No,  I am comfortable with the one I have at home''.

         NEEDS   HELP
The man who is almost 60years  needs assistance, so we are appealing to the APC party members in Owo, Aketi the Ondo State governor  and well wishers to assist the   man who vigorously campaigned for him. 


He knows everywhere and knows everybody in Owo no matter your status . When  a person dies in Owo ,he is easily sighted.
When next you see him in your area note that he heard of a deceased  person and wants to do his job. Please employ him.

  Hon.Muri Ahmed described  Anunkansogbo as a very hardworking and honest man, ''You see, he is hardworking, honest and does not fight .He goes on his own jejely ( without making trouble)
Agbaminoja Bunmi confirmed what Ahmed said ,'' the man knows everybody and would be the first person to greet you if he sees you. He needs help because he cannot continue digging like this''.
   Up to you readers, next time you see Anunkansogbo in your street know that he has a digging business there.

"I want to see electricity before I die"

High Chief  Olorunsola Alfred Ajibuwa , 90, is a retired teacher.  He says his Community is surroun ded by enemies. He spoke with Taiwo Ab...