Wednesday 6 February 2019

epe where goats walk with two legs


Fri, May 23, 2014, 3:57 PM

to deputy

Village where goats walk with two hind legs !

In Itoikin village near Epe many mysteries are revealed here  .The place has attracted tourists to verify the  veracity  of their mysterious stories  ..Taiwo Abiodun reports 

Goats  walk with two legs in the night 
The environment is clean and quiet.No noise and no bleating of goats . No animals stray about  but only two dogs were sighted  barking at this reporter in the small village. The villagers are mainly peasant farmers and they live peacefully with one another .No stranger  or visitor comes here without not being easily recognized as they have low  population so one is easily noticed when he comes in.One thing is cocksure; the indigenes know their rules and taboos thus  they obey   their rules to the letter .Here in the community nobody , whether you are a stranger or  an indigene you must  not  rear goats or ducks. No matter how powerful  or rich you are  these rules are obeyed and must not be flouted as the consequence could be fatal. When the townsmen  and their monarch were asked why animals were not sighted , they all chorused that it is forbidden .No one  must not rear goat and duck here .Why?  Their response was strange and terrifying  as they all declared "In the midnight these goats would change  to human beings  and would be walking with two  hind legs and be walking like human beings .No wonder rearing  is banned ! 
" They changed  in the night and would  transform  into human beings  and be walking with their hind legs  with their forelimbs raised up like human beings,  So that is why we don't  rear all these",  said the  village head Pa John Bamitale Ogunaike, the Alade  Ebute of Itoikin .The monarch with voice raised said " it is a taboo to see such animal and bird in the village , " No, no, we don't rear goats or ducks here, it is forbidden. We have some powerful people here".He  then delved into the reasons behind it , his words  " it has been long we have been practicing this   taboo and it has been in existence  since.Our forefathers stopped rearing of goats.The reason was that  in the night  these goats would be walking with their two hind legs , they turned into another thing and which is strange that is why we stopped rearing this domestic animal.Though we do eat them as delicacy but we don't rear or kill them here.We would go and buy it from another place and killed it there before bringing it into this village. We must not rear it .It is forbidden."Asked whether one could try it , he replied " then you are on your own.You are at risk.I have no hands in it.No matter what, any stranger that comes into  this village today would have been informed , so there is no ignorance  in it. We also don't rear duck, these are forbidden".

The  controversial  Tomb 
In the market place is  a tomb  where  a  German   Civil   Engineer Mr Shelf   was buried . Many did not know the  name of the late German   while some claimed the man  buried there was Julius Berger others said he was one of the Engineers who constructed the Itoikin bridge. However,the village head said it was one Engineer called Shelf that was buried there.The  the story behind the German was controversial.The tomb is   stuffed  with a lot of rubbish by a lady with an unsound mind who claims the man buried there was his 'father'.The lady even engaged this reporter in a fight as she did not want this reporter to take pictures of ' her father' , as she cried out to the market women  that she was going to report to the village head  that this reporter  had come to steal the tomb where her father was buried .However, after consoling her and sending her away  some shots were taken.
According to the monarch , people misrepresent and narrate false stories about  the German buried here saying  it was Julius Berger, he said " we have heard many stories about this tomb that it was Julius Berger that was buried here , but let me clarify it that it is a wrong  information. The man that was buried here was a  German Civil Engineer , he was part of those constructing  this road then .The German was living in Ijebu Ode at that time .We learnt that he had a quarrel  with his wife  before he left home ( Ijebu - Ode )  while driving his white Beetle Volkswagen  coming  down here to Itoikin , but about two  and half kilometers to this place , to be precise at Ope Olori meji  he had an accident as he hit a tree .The accident was fatal and  he was rushed to the hospital but he died two days later". The monarch  denied  the rumor that the late German did not make any vow with Mammy Water Spirit , "He did not make any vow that he  would  offer his life to the  Aaye river if he was successful in constructing  the bridge , it was all a hear say.He was buried here for his people were here then and they thought there was no need of taking him back to his home country.'
On why the German was buried in the market , the monarch said " there was no market at that place  as at that time  , but it just happened that it was coincidental that a market was built where he was buried and near the river ".
However, a  Public Transporter  Bayo  Ojo  who lives in the community disagreed with the monarch  over the circumstances and where the Ferman was buried , he said  said   he did not  agreed with  what the monarch said , according  to Bayo" we were told that when  the  Itoikin bridge was under construction it was collapsing  and  while   many Nigerians   and foreign  workers were  drowning into the river  the white man would screamed ' One  Spanner lost'  until when a  Mammy Water spirit appeared  to the late German engineer and asked him ( the German) to  make a vow  that he would offer him his life if he successfully constructed the bridge  .The German Engineer then vowed ,  he built the bridge successfully  but he later had an accident which consumed him  and  in fulfillment of his vow he  was  buried by the river side". Bayo rhetorically asked " do we bury anybody by the river anyhow? Those   Who died by the riverside are buried there that was the reason why the German was buried there in fulfillment of his vow" .
When this reporter visited the tomb , it is unkempt as a lady with unsound mind uses the place as her abode  as she filled the tomb with dirty stuff .She  told this reporter that her father was buried in the tomb.A man who came on tourism decried the situation of the village and pleaded to the Federal government and German Embassy to come and renovate the tomb.

Mysterious Aaye River 
Their  well constructed market is closer to the mysterious  Aaye River .There is an arcade here where the ill fated Bellview crashed consuming Professor Claude Ake and 198passengers. The  river flows ceaselessly but was still  and  immovable as  if it doesn't flow.The   little flowing river is mysterious as no man has ever thrown  stone across to the other end  in spite the closeness  of the two ends .Not only this, no stranger  has ever successfully swam  across to the other side which  is very close except the indigene of the village .  According to the village head Pa John Bamitale Ogunaike, the Alade  Ebute of Itoikin , no stranger can swim across the small water no matter how powerful  or highly skilled he would not get to the other side, while his lieutenant Chief   Chief Moyidi Ajayi the Olorikun Of Isale Ijebu , corroborated the story  and added. " any stranger that swim across will die .Infact , if he loves himself he must  go back when he gets to the middle  for no stranger has ever swam  across the small river , those who tried it died along the way .But for a native nothing will happen to him " .Not only this , the Baale added "  while if a stone is thrown to the other side it will never reach the end but will instead get into the water! It is a mystery .If  you want to try it you are free, but be careful ".
The Alade Ebute  continued " I am 76years old now ,  we all  met this  river called Aaye, here.If you throw a stone  across the river it will not get to the other side despite its smallness but will rather go into the river! .No matter what  the stone will  not reach the other end even if you use bow and  shoot arrow  to the other side , the arrow will go into the river". He  continued "  even if you attempt to swim across  you will fail or die on the way  as a stranger , but a native can   swim across  .If a stranger  forcefully  attempted to swim across ,  he will die in the middle.It had happened to many who tried it or did it out of ignorance!" 
On why they have a lot of palm wine and local gin( ogogoro), the monarch said we are close to the river and that is what we have here to survive. We are rich in history and culture but we are still begging the governor of Lagos State to come to our  aid and support us .We are far away from the bubbling city .We have a lot of thatched roof houses as we are near to nature 

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