Thursday 12 September 2019

Ori mo s'engwa ni o

.....I thank God and Owo natives
......Adekola  Ogunoye II's prediction came to pass----Yeyesa (Mother of Olowo of Owo)

Yeyesa Adenike Ogunoye  (Mother of  Olowo of Owo ) is a prayer Warrior .She  prays always .She smiles always . She treats other  children like hers no wonder she is loved by everybody. 
Last Sunday at Mama's place were  well dressed men and women, and well wishers  singing 

.....Ori mo sengwa oni o,
Ori mo sengwa eee,
E s'ene un l'uka mare , 
A f'ene ori re ma sann ee,
\Iyi o r'emi o,
Ori mo sengwa eee
 (Translation-Do the research)
Mama was and still is  popularly known as Yeyesa, Yeyesa means the most beloveth  among the Queens of the late Oba Adekola Ogunoye II who reigned between Feb 6, 1968 to Nov 2, 1992.
 Mama is rich in Owo History . Mama is  an archive .Mama is  a Griot. Mama is a library .No wonder researchers from the  University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), University of Ibadan , UNESCO , World Cultural Centres from all over the World always interviewed Yeyesa  during her stay at the palace in the  , who will then in turn narrated the stories about Oronsen,

    For Yeyesa Adenike Ogunoye, her happiness knew no bound as she is happy that her son, Gbadegesin Ajibade  who is the last born out of her  six children will occupy the exalted Olowo of Owo  palace again . Yeyesa who is   95 years old  is  excited  that her son , Gbadegesin  Ajibade Ogunoye the Olowo of Owo -elect  is the people's choice to be the ancient town's monarch.

   The nonagenarian who lives in her son's marble Cottage  at Ehin-Ogbe , Owo has been receiving visitors since after the election.  But due to old age and health only very few people could see her , Prince Ilori one of  her children  said.
Speaking on phone with this reporter , Yeyesa said 
''I am happy, and I am  rolling on the ground  from right to the left  thanking everyone of you all. I thank God the almighty and thank all Owo indigenes for their support. My son will not disappoint Owo people  by God's grace'' .
However, Mama was aided by one of her children Prince Ilori Ogunoye during the interview. 
Yeyesa said the Olowo-elect  was born  before  her husband Oba Adekola Ogunoye II  ascended the throne and it had been predicted that her son ,the Olowo -elect would one day become a  King, ''Yes , it has been predicted that Ajibade would become King and it truly  came to pass''.


The nonagenarian said , the new  monarch's   names have deeper meanings , the  names Gbadegesin and Ajibade are pregnant with words, they are two powerful names .
She confirmed the story that her late husband ,Oba Adekola Ogunoye II said that when it  is the turn of his Children to contest for the throne nobody will struggle it with them.Asked whether the story is true ,the nonagenarian reply to the affirmative, ''it is true  , it is not a rumour that my husband said   nobody will struggle with his children to rule , infact Ogunoye II added that there would not be crisis when his own son comes up to contest '', this however  came to pass as there was no crisis and some of the contestants supported him,out of   15candidates  who came to contest for the  throne , Ajibade had 14votes  and there was no crisis''.
Mama  flashed back and recollected how she hurriedly left the palace after the demise of her husband , Ogunoye II .She said '' the  chiefs who were  loyal to   the then Sir Olateru Olagbgegi II came to the palace  and chased us   out , infact we were not allowed to take the inventory of what were left in the palace''.
On the election that brought Ajibade in, she said '' there was no apprehension of any kind and we were sure he would win, I prayed for him to win , and this came to pass''.
Speaking about the immediate  late Olowo of Owo, Oba Dr. Victor Folagbade Olateru Olagbegi II,  Mama said ''he was a very nice man, he was good. Anytime we wanted to see him he would ask us to meet him  at his father's three strorey building at  St.Andrew's Church area .And we would meet there and  discussed. He was a very nice man as a person.We all loved him.''
Asked whether she would go to the palace, she said ''Yes, I will .I am happy that I am returning to the palace after 26years''.  While Prince Ilori assisted  his mother during the interview and said  ''when  my father  (Oba Adekola Ogunoye II) died we  were hurried out  of the palace .It was the late Olowo Sir  Olateru Olagbegi's chiefs who hurried us out  but the Iloros were nice to us , they asked us to take it easy , and asked us to stay until a new king was enthroned /installed.They said our father was a nice Oba '' .
But will they hurried the chiefs of the late Olowo Oba David Folagbade out?, Ilori was asked and he emphatically answered ''No, why should we?''
Since  the announcement of the new King,his house where the Olowo elect's mother lives have become a Mecca of sorts as people troop in daily to congratulate them , and trust them  , it has been dining and winning everyday while local musicians play there daily.
For Yeyesa , her prayer has been answered by God as they now call her Iya  Oba .

 From 1969 to 1999 when she was  at the palace with her late husband ,the late Adekola Ogunoye II the  Olowo palace was always beehive of activities. She always received visitors. She supported the royal father .

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