Tuesday 1 October 2019

I was taken away by whirlwind

.......... Taken away by whirlwind at 15
.......Was in the cave with some elves
......  Refused to eat .....( eat what?)
...... Says ''don't come for  money rituals or I'll call Police''


The road leading to her house in Iyere  was smooth. She lives in a bungalow . She uses one of the  rooms  for Consultancy services and another room is  where she keeps   cans, bottles, plastic bottles and kegs, jars  and tins filled with concoctions with labels and descriptions . She lives very  close to nature and could easily get her ingredients like shrubs, barks, roots and herbs. She said  though she is close to nature but many times she goes far away into the bush  sourcing for some roots at odd hours  .
  A woman this reporter met in Agbomola House confided in him that she came to find solution to her fibroid as she does not want doctors to operate her. Another woman said '' I came  to show  Iya Agbomola my baby , God used her to treat me and  I have my baby ''. A fairly old man said he brought his son who was stung by scorpion for treatment.
 Welcome to the Home of Iya Agbomola,  Dorcas  Agunloko the babies'  'saviour' ( Iya  Agbomola).

''When I wake up in the morning I will consult my Ifa Oracle , Olokun who turns our problem to joy   . I have my  Ifa Corpus . I will pay homage to  Ifa. I pray to Eledumare.I pray for everybody and I would start the day's business.I pray for people living in my household.Whenever I am going to pluck leaves I would pray to God to let the leaves be efficacious''

''My name is Arayi Agunloko but when my husband died I changed to  Christian name, Dorcas Agunloko , I am from Okeluse. I am over 80years.My first child is above 60years of age. I went to Awolowo School (  Free Education] . I was in Primary Two  and at the age of  15  I was taken away by the  whirlwind ( Aja) while in  my father's compound  and  I  later found myself in a cave in a  thick forest where I live with some old people in the cave.
According to the woman , ''the whirlwind took me away for years I cannot remember now . I was in a cave where  I met old people  whom you can hardly see their faces as they refused to raise up their eyes. They  would bring  food and meat for us  to eat , but I always rejected it , that is why I don’t eat  much  meat till today and that is why I hardly have three square meals per day. I have been used to eating  less''.

 ''I don't know how many years I spent in the forest, but one day I overheard from the whirlwind  singing that I would be back home today  , there was a whirl wind that  took me away  from the forest and landed me where I had been taken away from, my father's compound in Okeluse. When my father’s wife saw me she cried 'E wa wo Ayi ti nwon nwa''  (Come and see Ayi we have been looking for) . Many ran away ,some  came to  sight me , whether it was real or not.
''However , my father told me that when I was taken away by the whirlwind  he consulted an old  man who was  Herbalist and  also a   Hunter  who promised to bring me back from the forest .When my father saw me he rejoiced and celebrated me . He later   asked what Baba gave me in the forest,  and I said it was hair and  I have given it away to  his brother (my Uncle) who was a Police Officer in Benin by then. My father was unhappy on hearing this, he said I have lost a precious thing''.

''Interesting , do you know I married the man that rescued me?. When I came back from the forest my father asked me to marry  the  Hunter , I mean the old man that rescued  me  from the forest , his name is Agunloko.My father compensated him not minding his age . And I thank Eledumare for this.I learn from him too. He died many years ago''.

''My mission  is to rescue people who are sick and whose sickness can only be treated in native  or traditional ways. Those hurt with local arrows  (ofa) and  those poisoned. I have antidotes  for seizure , snake bite, those stung by bees and scorpions. Those looking for the fruits of the womb and those having fibroid  I treat them.
I advise people to go to  hospital for my place is not an hospital. But at the same time those whose sickness cannot be medically treated do come here to receive native treatment and they are healed!. I take care of Children, the barren do come here and mark you nobody is barren in this life but when they are too late and had tried many medical ways but did not work they resulted to natives.God gave us herbs and roots for our own usage.I  treat fibroid

''Do armed robbers come for protection here?'',this reporter asked , and she responded  ''Haa! I don’t do that  o , whenever they come to me for money- making rituals I would ask them to look around me and tell them  if I know how to do it I would not be poor like this. And let me tell you whoever comes here for such thing will be handed over to the Police. I do special  prayer  for people to be successful  but I don’t involve myself in all these  bad things , or bad  juju.

Asked her opinion on Herbalists who use human being for money -making rituals, she responded  '' Ha!, I use to curse those Herbalists.Yes, I curse them.  Infact, whenever they come here  and ask me to do a money -making ritual for them, I  would show them this place saying if I know what to do to get money my place will not be as  poor like this. And I have warned them all that whoever comes here asking for this would be handed over to the Police. Yes, I am not for that at all''.

 This woman said she cannot forget   easily what happened not long  ago while on a journey, she said ''A girl fainted while I was in a commercial Bus  going to Ondo town  one day. Everybody was trembling , a  Christian prayed to revive her  but the girl didn’t move .When  I was asked to pray, I said '' Oloun a gba fun mi'', meaning God  will  grant my request. I came down from the Bus  and went into the bush and   plucked  a leaf , squeezed  it and put it on her eyes  then she cried  woke up. Everybody was amazed and they said a strange person is in this Bus  and later knew my identity''.


 Asked what  her religion is, she said ''I was going to Mosque with my late husband but when he died I started  going  to church'',she continued  ''somebody said I should not be taking Holy Communion but I do partake in  it.I argue that we are all worshiping same God'' 
Asked whether she is a member of Ogboni Fraternity as many are, she responded , ''No, I am not a member of Ogboni Society  because my father  was an Iron Smith and an Iron Smith does not belong'' .
''They look at me with respect and dignity because I did not soil my hands .I did not do evil. They appreciate what I am doing.I don't quarrel with anybody on this street because I don't want my name to be setroyed. My clients are from all denominations.No Pastor come here to do juju in my house.
I  told my children to be recording all these and write them in a book because I could be called back  home at anytime.I want to hand over this profession to my children .I   used to tell them  to come and learn this for I may go at anytime when the owner of my life demands for it .
''I have trained my children from the proceeds of this job, and I have built a house in Okeluse.But my biggest achievements are when I see my handiwork from God on my clients , that is those looking for the fruits of the womb have children, those I treated are healed .These are my achievements''

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